Bear Grylls Posts go here!

I'd say he know a little about survival!

quoted: Before climbing Everest, Bear spent three years as a Specialist Combat Survival Instructor and Patrol Medic with the British Special Forces.
While undoubtedly more than I could handle, he was, again, a member of a reserve unit of the UK forces, not the regular SAS. And a "Specialist Combat Survial Instructor" upon entering that unit? He was only in three years, part of which he was recovering from an injury. So if he served three years in that title, he got it about upon graduation from equivalent of HS. This is NOT Lofty Wiseman.

All together now, "That's en-ter-tain-ment." :D
While undoubtedly more than I could handle, he was, again, a member of a reserve unit of the UK forces, not the regular SAS. And a "Specialist Combat Survial Instructor" upon entering that unit? He was only in three years, part of which he was recovering from an injury. So if he served three years in that title, he got it about upon graduation from equivalent of HS. This is NOT Lofty Wiseman.

All together now, "That's en-ter-tain-ment." :D

Reserve please post where you got that info!

You talk the talk but do you walk the walk? I would love to see anyone is these forums try some of the stuff you've seen on his show (fact of the matter is most simply couldn't hack it)!:D
I would love to see anyone is these forums try some of the stuff you've seen on his show (fact of the matter is most simply couldn't hack it)!:D

Finally something I agree with, I without a doubt could not hack drinking liquid from an animals arse, I could not hack lying to my fans. There are many things that Bear does that I could not hack but some people are willing to hack anything for the almighty dollar. I do like Les though, even though I have caught him in a few fudges too, maybe Les just seems more likable and Bear more like the Croc hunter, BY CRACKY, THERE IS SOME LOVELY POO OVER HERE.Chris

EDIT: Johnny Knoxville also does a lot of stuff I can't hack, maybe him and Bear should get together, they seem to be cut from the same mould.
Reserve please post where you got that info!
The first place I got that information was Adam Bellinger's, "The Quiet Soldier: On Selection with 21 SAS." !

The status of 21 SAS as a part-time "Territorial" or reserve unit is mentioned in dozens of sites, including, as examples only: ! ! ! ! ! ! SAS.htm !

Of course, you could find all of this by a Google search of "21 SAS" plus "reserve" or "territorial" !

You talk the talk but do you walk the walk?
Who do you mean by "You," pardner? I have made no claims that I could do anything he does. Or that I would have any desire to do so.
Some fans of these survival shows have tried to defend the stupid actions of the host. Keep in mind the premise of these shows is to TEACH you how to survive. They are not claiming this is just for entertainment purposess like the Jackass series as someone pointed out. They are endorsing these actions. Here is just one more quick critique to keep in mind when watching these shows:
MVW- never even discusses when to stay put vs. walk out. Walking has been proven time and time again as one of the best ways to get disoriented, lost, injured, and die. It expends enormous amts. of energy that could be reserved for something more productive around a good campsite.
Preservation of body heat. Never wears a hat and never discusses sweating as bad (kudos for Les Stroud for that one).
Rigorous outdoor activities are dangerous under controlled conditions. Along in the boonies, it will probably be fatal. Les Stroud is alone when he fims. He may walk out but he doesn't run, jump and climb like a monkey on a playground.
Injuries: often, people thrust into survival situations are injured such as plan crashes, sinking boat, etc. Are these people going to run around like loonies?

I think it would be far more educational and interesting if they did a show with an experienced woodsman living off the land for weeks using a well chosen kit. They could show various kits such as Bug Out Bags from home, car, plane, boat, etc. Why not show how to select btw firearms vs. traps or primitive tools to gather game? Show some pioneer skills using axe, saw, hand drill etc. to construct things arouind camp. Show trapping skills, building fish traps, wilderness cooking, etc. How about making primitive tools and weapons? Making garmets from animal skins? Real Jeremiah Johnson-type stuff. You could do segments on how to use various survival tools and demonstrate skills. Man, somebody call a producer for me!
Why ?
Talking about the show IS what the producers want. You talk about the show you must have seen the commercials to.
I will not watch the show!
How are ratings determined today? Does Nielsen [sp] still have transmitters connected to someone's TV? Is it now by remote sensing through the cables? Maybe it doesn't matter if frediver watches or not. There is at least some good stuff, and the guy is gutsy. I try to separate the concepts and just smile at the "expertise" while being mildly entertained. This is at least a favored subject. In ten years it will have spawned a whole new category of urban myths. "If you get lost you should always run, but only in one direction".:D
There is at least some good stuff, and the guy is gutsy.

What specifically, I haven't learned a thing from bears show. I was going to start a thread on the positive side of Man vs Wild and I couldn't come up with any. Lots of people have said that there is some good tips in this show. I must be missing them because all I see is if you are lost, eat and drink the nastiest things you can find, pick a direction and run hell bent for leather, and if you come to a river, jump in from the highest point possible, ride the rapids down and hope you live. Somebody enlighten me on the good points please. As far as bear being gutsy there is a razor thin line between gutsy and stupid, personally I don't find thrill seekers and stunt men "gutsy".

Sorry BUZ, it's just fluff (these bios are usually autobios, BTW) posted on the website of the agency(Norman Phillips) that books his speaking engagements. ALL of the testimonials are from people who paid him to speak and his picture doesn't appear at all in the slideshow on the site's homepage. What does that say ? They specialize in celebrity impersonators and 'tribute' bands. I guess 'survival instructor impersonator' is right up their alley !

What he shows is escape and evasion (sort of), not survival. Even then, what he does would make him pretty easy to track.....

How does a 'lost tourist' get stranded ON TOP of a mesa without climbing gear ? Or backup/emergency gear ? But he still has a knife and canteen.....

I saw enough Wild Kingdom as a kid to know that a dead zebra would never be 'found' with that much meat on it. The typical predator is lions and there's not that much left for scavengers. Sorry 'Bear', mother nature doesn't play that way. It doesn't take long for roadkill to get denuded of meat and easy calories (gut, belly fat, eyes, etc) does it ?

What he describes as 'glissading' in the Alps is actually an uncontrolled slide with a clumsy self-arrest at the end. Granted, he was using a busted ski pole...For a description of glissading, check out a copy of "Mountaineering" (5th edition, ISBN 0-89886-309-0, pp285-287). The word 'glissade' did not belong in that episode, and its inclusion gives a dangerous connotation to one of the safest ways of getting down a snow slope....

As for climbing Everest, read this.It's the blog of an expedition of physically handicapped climbers who summitted Everest in 2003. I'm not belittling anyone's efforts here and of course I haven't done it myself. But then, I don't use it as a credential either. By that logic, I should call myself a survival instructor because I showed a buddy how to use a firesteel.

This question has come up before, but Grylls DOES come from money. In fact, the story of his father is an interesting one, but I'll leave people to form their own opinions about it. Suffice to say that his father was Sir Micheal Grylls, a British MP and businessman whose political career suffered a setback after implication in a corruption case.

All that being said, I watch and laugh at the show. I rent entire seasons at a time on DVD because I don't like 'watching tv'. My point is that there's no way way I'm going to pay 30 or 40 bucks for a season of this guy's stuff, but if it's at the video store I'll rent it. It bugs me that he portrays his antics seriously.
I agree with Ron Hood's opinion that people will be hurt by employing his methods even though he says "don't try this". They'll probably be adolescent boys out in the back 40 - sounds just like backyard wrestling, doesn't it ?

He deserves to be raked over the coals for the simple statement "I've taken the position of a lost tourist.....I'm going to show you the skills you can use...." Again where's the good info he presents ? Taking survival info from this guy is like taking hunting tips from Elmer Fudd !
Having watched a bunch of episodes of both shows here is what it comes down to for me:

Bear is having a great attitude while he is out there. He will spend a miserable night somewhere and then grin into the camera when the sun comes up and tell you how this was the worst time of his life. Reminds me of a quote from one of the Bond movies: Never let them see you bleed, and always have an exit strategy.

On the other hand, I think that a lot of things that happen in the Bear episodes are "helped out" a bit by his crew.

In contrast, Les is about as real as it gets with him out alone. But he is such a sourpuss which takes away a lot of the fun.

Overall, I enjoy watching Bear a whole lot more.
OK, I'll take the bait:) . How about magnetizing a piece of wire with static, and floating it on a leaf for a compass? I've never tried. Or burying hot rocks to sleep on the ground? Seems plausible. Also, don't pick your nose when lost- you may be caught on camera.

Three of us arrived at the trailhead for a little bushwhacking, already occupied by a gaggle of tourists, some wearing flip-flops. Headed up by a guide, they seemed to be enjoying themselves. The guide had not seen his belt buckle in years. His hat was about 8 gallons (black of course) and he was proudly outfitted with a 12" fantasy blade in a fringed sheath. For some reason, we still refer to him as Lightening Jack. He confidently lectured on the rigors of trail travel and geologic history. Many make their living as an expert, yet some are more deserving of the title than others.

Maybe I'm just too easily entertained. I neither provoke crocodiles, poke at venomous snakes or swim with sharks, nor despise those who do it on camera. :D Regards, ss.
OK, I'll take the bait:) . How about magnetizing a piece of wire with static, and floating it on a leaf for a compass? I've never tried. Or burying hot rocks to sleep on the ground? Seems plausible.

Floating a magnetized piece of wire or needle is in every survial manual I have ever read, as for the hot rocks, watch the movie Jeremiah Johnson and you will learn much more than bear has taught you. Chris
Bear is having a great attitude while he is out there. He will spend a miserable night somewhere and then grin into the camera when the sun comes up and tell you how this was the worst time of his life.

I am not at all convinced he spends the night out there, if he does, maybe in a tent that the camera crew brings, maybe even with a nice, warm, 20 something camera operator with large breasts, don't know about you, but that always makes me grin in the morning, everytime. Chris
Been doing a bit of research on line of Sir Michael Grylls, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree it seems. Chris
Only techniques that were previously unknown or are an original innovation should be illustrated. Otherwise, it's drivel?
I like bear, i know if i was lost in the wild, id be nice to have the guy around, as long as he kept the urine cocktails to himself!!
How are ratings determined today? Does Nielsen [sp] still have transmitters connected to someone's TV? Is it now by remote sensing through the cables?

yep we still have the boxes in the houses that record what people watch not remote sensing yet. we also use the outdated yet effective diary system where you have to write down what you watch in a booklet and send it back to us after
Like I've stated in the other 50 Man vs. wild threads, I like the show, I find it entertaining. Sometimes I shake my head at the things he does, sometimes I see things I never thought of before. I'm sure alot of the things he runs across in the wild are set up by his crew, who cares? It's TV, I really don't expect much reality or education from it.

Truth is, things like Ray Mears, the real stuff, the sophisticated, intelligent TV we all long for, really just doesn't sell to a US market. Say what you will about American culture, its just the way we are.

Frankly, If anyone ever said " I'll be fine lost out here in the Amazon, I watched an episode of Man vs. Wild about it!" Well, I think being lost is the least of their problems. I'd think Darwins theory would have taken care of them by that point.

I like Bear and the show, I'd much rather watch that than alot of other crap on TV. I like to see the exotic locales, the native plants and animals and sometimes, I like to laugh at Bears goofy antics.

I'm sure he knows better than to do the things he does in a real emergency, he does it for ratings, and to keep people coming back each week. It seems to be working. It's a shame people feel the need to criticize his military service. To me, a reservist is just as much of a solider as anyone else.

He knew enough to train other soliders about SERE and survival, I'm sure thats more than I know. He may not be Ron Hood, but I'm sure he knows enough to live longer than most.

I'd still prefer more Survivorman or Ray Mears, but I'll take what I can get.