Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Knife!

:eek:Survival technique idiot-01, lash your knife to a stick to make a spear. :thumbdn: NEVER EVER EVER EVER do this!
Okay I'm going out on a limb here to make a bold statement. I know more about survival than Bear Grylls. If I truly was stranded with this idiot in the bush I would go my own way and get myself and anyone I cared about away from him. Who else feels this way? I think many people here know more than he does.
I was reading the reviews on Amazon, and many folks mentioned that the knife is "full" tang? From the OP's pics, It looks like nothing of the sort.
Please Vic share with us any juicy tidbits on the little 'Bear's survival advice' page that came with the knife. I will be willing to give him some kudo's if its all reasonable advice....Lets exclude self enema's and poo-eating as being categorized as useful advice though :D

It does look like there are good intentions to the design elements and having looked at the video, really it appears like the LMF juiced up in terms of integrating component parts. Kind of like ESEE's development of that pack that attaches around the ESSE-6 forming a survival PSK with the knife. Of course Going-gear beat Bear to the punch on integration of firesteel and knife into a single unit. Adding a sharpening stone and whistle are not particular novel in themselves, but it makes for a nice package.

Alas, it would seem like the housing materials around the handle suck. How about the heat treat? Is that at least good? Noteworthy is that these material faults are those of Gerber and not Bear if he indeed designed it (I suspect he is just endorsing it or agreed to say he designed it....lets be realistic, does anybody see Bear sitting around in his underwear at a drafting table drawing knives to spec? That's Mistwalker's game :D :D :D)....
Generally, the blade seemed to hold up well. But the knife goes back tomorrow. I won't waste my time with extended testing on this one. If the handle cracked already, it will do it some more.
:eek:Survival technique idiot-01, lash your knife to a stick to make a spear. :thumbdn: NEVER EVER EVER EVER do this!

Interesting - Les Stroud lashed his knife to a stick to make a spear in the african plains episode(0:55), so maybe Bear isn't alone in his thinking here.

Yeah, I think that for self defense where you don't plan on throwing the spear it might be considered OK.
Well, I am not surprised with the Gerber products I've handled. Makes me really wonder why they put out such crap when they used to have good stuff. (At least from what I hear)
Interesting - Les Stroud lashed his knife to a stick to make a spear in the african plains episode(0:55), so maybe Bear isn't alone in his thinking here.

Wrong thing to do, what if the knife breaks off in a wounded animal and it runs off with your #1 survival tool? Use the knife to carve a simple spear point. The U.S. military finally woke up and revised their stance on this as well.
I'd tie a knife to a stick to cut stuff high up and out of reach, for example fungi, not for spearing. In fact I have a device somewhere that works exactly for that amongst other things. I've got a number of sharpened screwdrivers for use as marlin spikes. One day I cut the arse off a hollow one and found it push fit perfectly on the end of a walking pole too. Mostly it is just for working rope and generally poking at crusty stuff on the beach that would be a waste of a knife but I'm very aware that 50” of triangular section telescopic bodkin could present a hazard too.
Wrong thing to do, what if the knife breaks off in a wounded animal and it runs off with your #1 survival tool?

Wouldn't we all just go to our #2 survival tool ?

If mister grizzly bear wants to run off with my knife instead of tearing me limb from limb, I'd be happy to send him a christmas card too. A better question might be why did mr bear decide to run off ?
Wouldn't we all just go to our #2 survival tool ?

If mister grizzly bear wants to run off with my knife instead of tearing me limb from limb, I'd be happy to send him a christmas card too. A better question might be why did mr bear decide to run off ?

I guess I'd have to ask why someone was just walking through the woods with a knife on a stick when a bear surprised them! :) I think lashing a knife to a stick sounds like a premeditated thing, rather than self defense.
they probably dont know what "Full tang" is. :p just a guess

I read those so-called reviews. They should have actually used the knife. Just giving bs specs doesn't count as a review to me. Anyone could just look at the knife and see it isn't a full tang. But you can't tell how long the tang is by looking. Once it breaks, then you know it isn't a full length hidden tang.
Wrong thing to do, what if the knife breaks off in a wounded animal and it runs off with your #1 survival tool? Use the knife to carve a simple spear point. The U.S. military finally woke up and revised their stance on this as well.

ROTF. This has always been one of my biggest pet peeves to. So your sitting there, with your knife in one hand and your piece of hardwood in the other......."if only I had 30 feet of invalueable cordage to lash these together...." LOL SHARPEN THE STICK!

I would venture that most anyone here could take the cost of this knife and put together a FINE little kit to cover all the same bases, and have the kit not be crap. Gerber sure has fallen down on this one.
So cut to the chase Vic, would you say this one is better than the Bayley version and is it as strong as a Busse ?:D
Wow, that thing's a disaster from one end to the other. Hollow ground with a swedge, serrations, and a cheap plastic handle-what's not to love?:barf:
They even hit on one of my pet peeves, and made it even worse. As if this trend of putting a firesteel loop on the outside of a sheath wasn't silly enough, this one "locks in" upside down:rolleyes: