Becker BK9 destruction test video

Jul 7, 2006
Becker BK9 test video completed.

Videos are posted on

I'll post some commentary on the test soon.

Enjoy the videos. They were made for you.

K-Bar USMC test will be peformed tonight and posted Thursday morning.

I ordered a Strider BT overnight UPS. It will be here Thursday morning.I
will perform the test Thursday night and have it posted Friday morning.
Thank you for putting all your tests on one website. It is very much a convenience. Good job with it. Oh an who is the associate?
Thanks for the videos, very instructive. I think the cutting tests are a great addition.

Good job on the masks too ^^
Good to see you're taking advice from all the forum nannies and wearing proper face protection. :D
You've given me some ideas for my $2 pry bar tests. Thanks.
Any chance of testing one of the Ontario Rat series? I would like to see how they stack up.
How'd the BK9 compare to the Ka-Bar heavy bowie? Looked to me like the edge of the BK9 started chipping out after just a few swings into the brick, but maybe that's just the camera.
Looks like your tests produced results similar to my own experience with the Beckers, and Cliff's if I remember correctly. The BK's tend to be brittle, much like a stainless steel. Perhaps they are run at too high an RC for that type of knife.

I had a similar experience with my Ontario RTAK. It lost big chunks out of the edge when I used it to limb a spruce tree. Again, I think the steel (1095 I think) is run too hard for a blade that size and width.
Thanks for sharing your work. I like the fairly systematic way you worked the BK9 to failure (and beyond) showing loss of push cutting and then slicing performance over the course of the tests.

Just a couple presentation suggestions .... it would be nice to have a brief description with each video stating what's being done, any noteable failures and breakage (I missed where the tip of the KaBar bowie broke ....???)

Also having 4-5 large youtube Flash animations on one page was drawing a lot of resources on my fairly robust Linux box and fast DSL. I would prefer each video on its own page for better control.

Also enjoyed the masks. :)
the Kabar broke off camera, mentioned in the thread about it.

that was a really cool set of vids, too bad the knife was so dull out of the box
I'll try and answer all the questions in one post if I miss one sorry.

The Becker BK9 is indeed brittle compared to the K-Bar 14/14 bowie. it chipped very quickly on the brick finally breaking the blade in half. The K-bar took much more punishment.

I will look into the Ontario RTAK for testing.

I'm sorry if you are having a problem with the videos posted on the same page.I don't know much about Linux. I like to post all the videos on the same page (per knife) so I don't have a ton of pages to maintain. I guess just make sure you play one video at a time or double click the video and it will take you to you tube.

I will add commentary to all knife tests starting tonight.My camera doesn't have a microphone input and the one on the camera is not very good. I will have to do it the film way and use double system sound. Just a little extra work.

My assistant is a friend he is wearing a Freddy mask and hat. We need the red and black sweater.

hope this answers your questions ?
I heard you ok with the camera mic

it would be nice when you hold the blade up to show chipping, if you could put a piece of the posterboard behind it, it's sometimes hard to see the chips with things like the air compressor or vise in the background.

this may sound silly, but I'd really like to see these tests done with a kitchen knife and machete, to really show what the difference is in motion. Especially since I don't think they'd shatter, or have a problem flexing in the vice, but man the edge would get wrecked fast.
I heard you ok with the camera mic

it would be nice when you hold the blade up to show chipping, if you could put a piece of the posterboard behind it, it's sometimes hard to see the chips with things like the air compressor or vise in the background.

Thats a good idea I will do it. The sound will be a lot better with a 400 dollar shotgun mic that I have.

I have thought about a kitchen knife as well just for a comparison.
Thats a good idea I will do it. The sound will be a lot better with a 400 dollar shotgun mic that I have.

I have thought about a kitchen knife as well just for a comparison.

My own anecdotal experience with Ontario's "Old Hickory" line of knives (used to be available at Wal-Mart, I think, but no more) leads me to suggest that that might be an interesting choice as a baseline/comparison. These are routinely available via eBay for as little as 3 to 15 bucks. It'd be kind of an interesting reality check to discover that these things hold up better than some $50 (or $100) "tough outdoor knife".
thamks for the great demo igot a bk9 for christmas nice to know its limits.als com get old hickerys at any ace hardware.
thanks for the domo i got a bk9 for christmas nice to know its limits.also can get old hickery at any ace hardware.