Behold, John Locke's Knives from Lost!

Jan 23, 2005
EDITED, to show better pictures, and more knives!

After extensive searching and a LOT of help from some of you fellow knife enthusiasts on various forums, I have mostly identified the various knives in the collection of "John Locke," a character from the ABC television series "Lost." The show is about the survivors of a plane crash, stranded on a mysterious island. John Locke is a hunter and knife collector on the show.

So without further ado, the knives of John Locke:












And if anybody spots another knife on the show that hasn't been identified yet, by all means post it here, and we'll try to find out what it is!
From reading various threads, I've got the gist of the show.

Q: Was the John Locke character going to or coming from a Knife show?

I'm also surprised to see the Tekna Wilderness Edge. Haven't seen that one in a while.
Here's a few more knives, that it wouldn't let me include in the first posting:





m_calingo said:
From reading various threads, I've got the gist of the show.

Q: Was the John Locke character going to or coming from a Knife show?

I'm also surprised to see the Tekna Wilderness Edge. Haven't seen that one in a while.

A: No. He was on his way back from an authentic Australian Aboriginal Walkabout trip. Probably something like this:

I'm curious about the Tekna Wilderness Edge. Is it a quality knife? It's one of the few in Locke's collection I'm actually thinking about getting.
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Incredible bit of hunting combined with some excellent knife knowledge!

Good job SgtDraino!
sgtdraino said:
A: I'm curious about the Tekna Wilderness Edge. Is it a quality knife? It's one of the few in Locke's collection I'm actually thinking about getting.

I don't remember what the Tekna was made of. However, Tekna went out of business years (9?) years ago. It may be available on an auction site, but I doubt if the blade was good.
sgtdraino said:
A: No. He was on his way back from an authentic Australian Aboriginal Walkabout trip. Probably something like this:

I'm curious about the Tekna Wilderness Edge. Is it a quality knife? It's one of the few in Locke's collection I'm actually thinking about getting.
I hear he was going to teach the aborigines about the social contract....
Locke was on his way home after being refused from going on his Austrailian "walkabout" trip, because he was in a wheelchair for 4 years prior to the crash. He mysteriously could walk when he woke up on the beach.

And Sayeed does carry a Buck 119 given to him by Locke.

In some more recent episodes, the stainless folder on Locke's vest has sometimes switched form a Syderco, to a cheap Spyderco rip-off, with a black plastic thumbstud instead of a hole.

This show is so cool!
Where's the big - possibly custom - knife he was teaching the kid to throw on the last episode I watched? It sure wasn't one of these cheapies.
Don't watch the show, maybe I should. But from what I've seen the knives aren't that impressive. I like the KaBar, but being 1095 steel,I left the blade coating on mine. Let's see if his starts to rust...
averageguy said:
Where's the big - possibly custom - knife he was teaching the kid to throw on the last episode I watched? It sure wasn't one of these cheapies.

Yes, the Atlanta Cutlery Master Bowie is the one that Locke was teaching Walt to throw.

It's the knife that Locke himself carries most of the time. I believe he gave out the Ka-Bar to Kate, and Sayeed got the Buck 119.
Wow, good work. I am impressed.

I love doing that kind of stuff when I see a knife in a movie; I will see just a little bit of the handle for a quick second and start to try and figure out from memory or my books/catalogs what knife it is, etc. I think it is a lot of fun; my wife thinks it is a little nerdy, but she does the same thing when she sees a scene with horses or horse gear. She starts to critique how they are ridding, etc.
I haven't seen this show (choose to not own a TV), but from the little I have read about it here on the forums, it sounds like fun.

Sure wish more films and shows that had knives would use something appropriate, not cheap knockoffs or just downright poor knives for the job.
Like I said, I haven't seen the show, but seems to me he gave away the best knife: the Buck Special. The KA-BAR is a good keeper, too, but I would have definitely kept the coating on, especially since they are so near the ocean.

Good Job!
Good work one the identifications.

The knives might be what they are on purpose. I see Locke's character as sort of a Walter Mitty character whose day-dreams have come true. Those are definitely armchair commando knives. Locke didn't have a great job apparently or receive any respect until he hit the "island" and could walk and do all of the things he had only read about. The price point, dramatic carrying case, age, and "mall ninja" nature of a lot of those knives fit in with that character IMO.

I think it would be great if they had a couple of the really cheap ones snap while being used. At least the tips. :cool:
Paul Davidson said:
The knives might be what they are on purpose. I see Locke's character as sort of a Walter Mitty character whose day-dreams have come true. Those are definitely armchair commando knives.
Keep in mind, too, that this is TV; those knives weren't even picked out by the props guys, most likely, but by the production designer, who is more concerned about looks than functionality.

It's the same thing with guns and computer eupiment on TV. Stuff is chosen because it looks "cool", not realistic, by people who generally have no technical knowledge whatsoever. Crap like Our Hero picking off a Bad Guy at 100m with a Glock, or the non-sensical computer jargon they spew on "24".

Never EVER confuse TV with reality! ;)
Oh, BTW, about that Buck Nighthawk... Buck *has* made uncoated stainles versions (I should know, I own one!), and shorty variants; but that one looks a bit like a tanto, which I don't *think* Buck ever made in that line.

I've seen a few like that on eBay, though: cheap Chinese knock-off garbage.

If you ask me, the production designer sent an intern down to one of LA's big swap meets with $100 and orders to pick up a dozen of the scariest knives on display.