Best folder under $100?

Aug 31, 1999
First off, I want to apologize to the hardcore regulars here. I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times, BUT..........

I will fall into $100 cash in about two weeks, (company spiff....I'm smoke free for one year) and I would like to consider a nice EDC folder. Here's my current reality:

I wear jeans to work, but tht's soon to change and I'll be wearing casual slacks. I have a CRKT M16 (the "medium" one) that's too big. I currently carry a Kershaw Vapor that I picked up at Wally World for $20, and size-wise, it seems almost perfect, but the steel is like putty. I can sharpen it on a bench stone, but I would like it to keep an edge a bit longer than 48 hours.

I think it's time for some stylin' steel. Could some of you veterans please guide me? I know $100 won't get me to the top level stuff, but I think it's time for an upgrade.
Have you looked at the Spyderco Delica or Endura? The Delica has a VG-10 blade. Not sure what the Endura has, though. Maybe ATS-55? They're both under $50 if you know where to get them. Got mine at Academy, not sure if you have one in Iowa. Good luck!

For a little under the $100.00 mark you can go to A.G. Russells website and get a Camillus E.D.C. w/D2 blade. I got mine a couple of weeks ago and right out of the box it is very sharp with a strong lockup. I don't think you will be disappointed.
Despite my reservations about the Axis lock and it's springs (which I hope is an individual knife problem for my 710, not having had trouble with my other Axis locks), and not knowing what you will be using the knife for, I don't see how you can get any more "stylin'" than this for $100.
I think you can't go wrong with a Benchmade...705,710,721 any of these are great knives...personally i'd go for the 721 'cos that's what i have...heheh...

good luck with whatever you plan to purchase...
The Spyderco Chinook is selling on ebay as we speak for $96.99. I think you would be selling yourself short to carry anything else for that price.
I think you'll be amazed at what you can buy for $100 in the "for sale" ads in these forums. No need to compromise your wants. Shoot for a really sweet Benchmade, Spyderco, or even Microtech. Just requires a little shopping around.
Any Benchmade Griptilian $50-$65, or the 94x,which can be had for about $95 new.
Just about any Benchmade folder under a $100 (expect the Benchmite) such as the Mel-Parude Manual or some of the Gripmite. Go for a little extra and you could get a Mini-Reflex or an automatic Mel-Parude, a Microtech M-UDT would be a good choice also. But if your going to stick to manual, everyone else has already said what I would.
I agree with shivey...Take a look around in our "for sale ads" here at BladeForums, as there are always some pretty darn good buys. I would look for either a Spyderco Endura, or it's smaller "brother", the Delica, as either can be bought, with enough money left-over from your $100 to buy yourself a Spyderco Sharpmaker to keep 'em razor-sharp with.:).
All of the suggestions so far are good but let me
point out a real sleeper.

The Al Mar eagle (4") or falcon(3") are excellent
daily carry knives that just float in your pocket
while being a VERY useful design. The blade steel
is good Ol' Aus-8 that is well known as a great
everyday easy to sharpen steel. I've also found
the placement of the thumb stud is just right off
the cutting edge. These knives are a luxury knife
to carry everyday.

The second blade is a cold steel voyager in your
choice of size. They also use Aus-8 steel while
being a good sturdy friend anywhere.

Both can be had for under a $100. If your careful
shopping you can buy both for $100 and have change.
Already mentioned, but the Benchmade 94x series seems like the most bang for the buck to me, but I've seen Microtech Mini Socoms in that price range. Either of these will give you true high end knife performance and workmanship for around $100.00 and not be over the top in an office environment.

A little different idea from the others. A Queen D2 stockman. A very useful knife for about half of what you want to spend. 3 blades and some very nice handles in wood or bone. Check em out.
Originally posted by Diamond Cut II
Not sure what the Endura has, though. Maybe ATS-55?

The current Endura has VG-10, just like the Delica. Great steel and designs!

There are a lot of great knives out there, but I think the best overall bargains are the Spyderco Endura, Spyderco Delica, and Camillus EDC.

In the category of "just under $100" my favorite is the Kershaw Boa.

--Bob Q
Benchmade 705. Can be found a number of places under a C note.

Or maybe a Benchmade Mini-Griptillian. I've had my eye on one of those lately. Heck, for $100, you could get this knife and a Spyderco Sharpmaker to keep it nice and sharp.
Since no one else has, I'll have to put in my vote for a Spyderco Military. I've seen it on ebay for as low as $85, and at retail locations on the 'net for $95. My work dress is simiar to yours (Dockers or slacks), and the Millie has found a permanent home in my EDC rotation. It is a nice, useful size, is extremely well-built and, because of the nested liner, is thinner than you might think (definitely thinner than the M16). Also, because Spyderco uses a less aggressive G10 on the handles (not like the 80-grit sandpaper on the Buck/Strider), the knife slips easily out of the pocket when needed.

Go for the Millie; you won't be dissapointed.
You can pick up a Spyderco Military for only $90 through a dealer from El Paso, TX. Her name is Glasshartt and email addy is

The Spyderco MILITARY is a big folder; 4" blade with a 5 1/2" closed handle size, but it is VERY lightweight due to the linerlock being nested into the G10(no heavy steel liners). The steel in the current model is CPM440V, but it is soon going to be changed to the new S30V. :cool: ;)

Good Luck :D
The Keshaw Leeks are very nice, especially the rainbow version.
If you like slipjoints, the Henckels Congress knives are very nice.
Congrats on quitting, enjoy the shopping. You have earned it.