Best folding knife to come out in the past 4 months?

Jun 15, 1999
been out of the loop lately. What folders in the past 4-5 months have been receiving good headway?
Microtech LCC and the Al Mar SERE 2000 have really been getting a lot of good reviews.

Dennis Bible
Have to agree with Dennis, the MT LCC takes the cake. It's as close to a custom knife as I have ever laid hands on. There are some other good buys out there too. The Kershaw BOA definately has potential. Also, CRKT has some more collaborations on the way. The Steve Ryan and Brigh Tighe collaborations and probably even the Viele will make their way into my collection. If you do a search, you will pull up some posts with links to pictures of these knives. I remember seeing it not too long ago.
The Spyderco Chinook and Gunting are very hot right now, but just wait till the Lum Chinese arrives!!...

GUNTING, Chinook & LCC.

Oh yeah, I also love the fact that Spyderco has come out with training Drones for the Endura and Delica. A lot better than grinding down cheap import knockoffs.

[This message has been edited by steve22595 (edited 10-29-2000).]
I hate going with the crowd, but yes, the MT LCC is/or was the biggest rage for a while.

I think though, without a doubt, the Sebenza has to take top honors.

BC... For those who fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know... Semper Fi
Here's another vote for the LCC. I keep looking at (and using) mine, and I still can't believe it only cost me $129.00. It makes me wonder why I spent so much on my other knives.
MT LCC and Al Mar Sere 2000, i have them both.

Can't wait what the next four months will offer us.
I had the LCC and got rid of it the day it arrived. Still have a sere 2000 it's a good knife.
Well it usually goes like this; the best knife out is the newest one you just got. With that in mind, I have to say that the folding knives of Bob Dozier are something else. These are built. I have a Buckhunter so I think it is the best one out. I also think that the SERE 2000, MT LCC, And MT SOCOM Elite are there also.

Art Sigmon
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Php. 4:13
Benchmade 940 and Kershaw Boa.


have a"knife"day
Darrel Ralph's EDC, I had a Sebenza, I have an LCC, SOCOM, SERE 2000 etc and none of them can hold a candle to the EDC....... Nuff said

SOG Pentagon Elite 2.

It's Biggerer

Seriously, SOG's new ARCLock series holds promise.
