Best non-chain Hamburger Place

Ah, here's a subject near and dear to my heart.

As far as the Austin area goes, I also recommend Dirty's, but Hut's isn't worth eating at anymore. Instead you should go to Casino El Camino or Top Notch, both of which get my seal of approval. The burgers at Hoover's are also notably good. If you head east of Austin Thursday through Sunday, stop at Shady Oaks on Highway 71, or keep going 'til you get to Winchester and eat at Murphy's. I've eaten a bunch of burgers in my life, and I have to say that the ones at Murphy's are among the best I've ever hard, period. And they have great onion rings and fried pickles.

If you're ever in Minneapolis, the Jucy Lucy at Matt's Bar used to be really good.

Hey Beau5278 - although it shouldn't be considered for the best burger, I'm sure you've cruised by Nick Tahoe's Red Hots in Rochester. I went to school at UB (University at Buffalo for you non-NYers) and we'd drive the hour to Rochester just to get the garbage plates.

Garbage Plates (the cheeseburger variety) are two really greasy cheeseburgers (similar to a school lunch burger - but no buns), home fries, macaroni salad, a bunch of slop and grease and God knows what else thrown on top called "the fixin's". It's served in a styrofoam container with two slices of somewhat stale (what could be described as-)Italian bread. The most popular way to eat is is to dump tons of Red Hot sauce on top, cut up the burgers and mix everything up so it's even more unidentifiable. When you get to the bottom, you sop up the grease with the gub'ment bread. If you don;t like burgers, you can have hot dogs or other stuff instead. A friend at the time who was a physical therapy and nutrition major estimated the whole thing to run about 3000 calories.
Is that place still around? Dekalb County has changed so much since I hung around there in the late 70's and early 80's when my best friend from college still lived in Lithonia. It is still decidely middle class, but almost exclusively black today whereas it was mostly urban redneck back in the day. I drove out Memorial Drive to Stone Mountain for the first time in maybe 20 years and much to my great disapointment, Mountain Pharmacy and what may have been the best milkshake on the planet was nowhere to be found. The entire old downtown of Stone Mountain had become an antique district.
It is and is all you describe.
The wait staff was exclusively black and the food was fantastic. The day She Who Must Be Obeyed and I went there I had just fallen and had a serious bone bruise on my knee. I could barely walk and it was the first place I could park my truck near enough to walk in to get something to eat.
The food was excellent and the staff was as well, other than giving me too much attention and trying to get me to go the hospital for my knee. Good people!:thumbup:
There was a place in Fort Davis Texas called Pop's. Been about eight years since we were there but great burgers.
Mel's Drive-In on Kentucky Ave in Indianapolis. The Double Jumbo is definitely the best burger I've ever eaten.
I like Kirby's in Sikeston,MO. It's been there for over 50 years. My wife went there as a girl and she hooked me up after we started dating. Kirbyburgers with cheese are really great.
+1 on Apple Pan. I lived a few blocks away from it when I was at UCLA.
Hey Beau5278 - although it shouldn't be considered for the best burger, I'm sure you've cruised by Nick Tahoe's Red Hots in Rochester. I went to school at UB (University at Buffalo for you non-NYers) and we'd drive the hour to Rochester just to get the garbage plates.

Garbage Plates (the cheeseburger variety) are two really greasy cheeseburgers (similar to a school lunch burger - but no buns), home fries, macaroni salad, a bunch of slop and grease and God knows what else thrown on top called "the fixin's". It's served in a styrofoam container with two slices of somewhat stale (what could be described as-)Italian bread. The most popular way to eat is is to dump tons of Red Hot sauce on top, cut up the burgers and mix everything up so it's even more unidentifiable. When you get to the bottom, you sop up the grease with the gub'ment bread. If you don;t like burgers, you can have hot dogs or other stuff instead. A friend at the time who was a physical therapy and nutrition major estimated the whole thing to run about 3000 calories.

Actually,I haven't,the whole thing just doesn't sound all that appetizing to me:barf:but I know I'm in the minority around here.
Well I didn't have time to look through all the pages her BUT Stillwater Okla. Eskimo Joes great burgers as well as cheese fries and several famous folks have eaten there Including some recent Presidents of USA:thumbup:;)

And yet another in the community (Bixby Okla.) I currently live, SCOTTS Hamburgers Probably the best and have been put in the Southern Living Mag. in the recent years among the top Burger joints in USA.:thumbup:
Kelly's here in my neighborhood in Norfolk (now a small, local chain- don't know if it qualifies) used to make a burger called a Cape Henry- a good 1/2 or 1/3rd lb of meat- jumbo bun w/a crab cake & melted cheddar on top. I had friends down from NYC one weekend a while back and they stared in disbelief.
There is also a place in Greenwich Village in NYC (Near the White Horse Tavern if memory serves) that was serving a freakin' wonderful burger late into the night. Stellar.
you all make me so jealous! :mad:

I would kill for a good hamburger

over here McDonalds and Burger King are your best options
most places you have to settle for Lotteria (don't even ask... :barf: their top burgers are made with fermented cabbage and shrimp :eek: )
Oklahoma City- Irma's burger shack
Shawnee Oklahoma- Hamburger King: A great story surrounds this place as well. It was started by two lebonese immigrant brothers in the late 1920's. They were on the run from Al Capones outfit because back in Chicago they had stolen a trailer load of gambling machines from Capone. They started their restaurant with the proceeds from the sale of those machines.
El Reno- Definitely Sids.
There is also a place in Greenwich Village in NYC (Near the White Horse Tavern if memory serves) that was serving a freakin' wonderful burger late into the night. Stellar.

Jackson Hole burgers in NYC serves burgers well past midnight, but they are kind of a mini-chain.....only located in Manhattan, however.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
Kendall's Famous Burgers & Ice Cream in Prescott, AZ

That's about all they make, so they should do it right. Their fries are great too. They have a large buffet of stuff to put on your burger, so you get it your way.

I think they also have a hot dog and a turkey burger, but I never get that far down the menu.;)

They also have a 50's ice cream and soda counter.
A bit off-topic, but I had an excellent bacon cheeseburger and onion rings at the Village Inn in Wichita, KS. last night. The service was excellent. Our waiter was a former commercial fisherman from N.J., named Daniel. I was in town for a funeral.
Jackson Hole burgers in NYC serves burgers well past midnight, but they are kind of a mini-chain.....only located in Manhattan, however.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
The Jackson Hole diners I know of (2 actually) are in in Queens- Astoria Blvd & Bell Blvd.
Great burgers! :D:thumbup: