Blade Storage/Display aka Bawanna's Blade Addiction.


Dec 19, 2012
Gehazi has been talking up his "Wall" and I've been pondering different display modes, racks, walls, whatever.
I have some pretty neat display racks rolling around amongst the cobwebs of my brain but what I lack is the space in my man cave to provide real estate for said display rack.

Soooo, Gehazi's talk of the "Wall" rerouted my thinking process. While it's not ideal it'll work for now and beats having Kuhkri's leaning up against everything there is to lean against. I still have a pile of sheaths to figure something out for.

This is the first prototype of course.

Kind of wired them at the handles to somewhat secure. They are fairly solid.

Pretty nice until I replaced the items from my other more serious addiction back in their slots. Accessibility is right out the window. But they are protected and in person I can still see them. Working on prototype # 2 in my head as we speak. I think a bigger man cave is in order.

Open to suggestions if anyone has any idea's. Also need to realize my thirst for HI blades is still in it's infancy and need room for many many more.
Maybe Gehazi has it right with the whole "Wall" idea.
On the plus side I created a couple extra slots. I carry the Pen Knife and the Mini AK with me so 2 slots open.

Thanks once again to Steely Gunz for opening my eye's, adjusting my taste buds and making realize what a fine tool the Mini AK really is. I don't see any practical use for the big brother but I want one now badly too, and I got a slot for it all ready and waiting.

I'm actually working a Micro Mini AK bowie in my head. Same exact look with the lanyard hole and hook on the back but shrunk down to 7 or 8"s. I'm kind of pushing the envelope at work daily carrying this thing, so far so good. 3" shorter but still with a full grip would be easy.

The handle leaves me personally about an 1 1/4'' of extra space, take another inch off the blade and shrink it top to bottom so it stays symetrical and maintains the same bad arse look to it and I think I'd have a beauty of a knife.

A note to Rajkummar or Bhakta via Auntie might be in order. I'm sure the Kami's are busy enough without my little ideas though.

I had to go look myself, I knew I had a nice SKS but I didn't think it was on that wall. Guess I moved it up a couple notches.

I got very lucky on that one when I found it just prior to the Clinton panic. Never shot it, have another one I shoot but it's ready to go anytime.
Very Nice "Wall" Bawanna! I like Gehazis idea of the "Wall" as well but he is going to need to do some structural support to his wall if he keeps going at the rate he is:D
...I'm actually working a Micro Mini AK bowie in my head. Same exact look with the lanyard hole and hook on the back but shrunk down to 7 or 8"s. I'm kind of pushing the envelope at work daily carrying this thing, so far so good. 3" shorter but still with a full grip would be easy.

The handle leaves me personally about an 1 1/4'' of extra space, take another inch off the blade and shrink it top to bottom so it stays symetrical and maintains the same bad arse look to it and I think I'd have a beauty of a knife...

Here's a rough idea of what it would look like when shrunk down to 7".


The original length is 10" so the overall length was shrunk to 70% to result in 7 inches. The handle height was not reduced at all. The blade height was reduced to 90% instead of going all the way down to 70%.

By the way, this was done on the standard "Paint" program on my PC. Never tried it before (and it shows) but I thought this kinda thing should be possible.
That's awesome Mr. Tall. Exactly what I had in mind. My first thought was to just cut an inch or inch and a quarter out of the handle and then weld it back on so I don't lose the hook

I wouldn't change the handle height at all just as you did. it's perfect, just shorten it up.
The height of the blade could go down to 80% or so and still be super nice.

I'd sacrifice a bit of blade length for a good grip. A snug grip is good.
Even 7 1/2" if needed for the blade would be fine.

I love that. I love this 10"er I got, I truly do but for everyday office puke carry in a police station it's a tiny bit on the large side.

Thanks much for going to that effort. These computers are still pretty much a mystery to me, I'm getting better all the time, gave up long ago trying to figure out how the heck they do what they do, and I accept the fact that we'd all be in a world of hurt without them although I miss the old days.

Auntie if you read this thread, please plant a bug in Bhakta or one of the kami's ears. I'd like the very first one off the line. I know they are super busy trying to keep up with Gehazi's special orders but maybe squeeze this little beauty in on a lunch break or something, maybe use the scrap from one of his.
Wood handle please.

Thank you.
you are too cool bawanna, love your weapons, is that a kothimoda katana? omg everything is so coooool
Well your making me look a little stupid Gehazi. I know it's a Katana but I don't recollect the Kothimoda part.
That is the Kami Medical Raffle prize and the very first "Real" thing I ever won in my life, right here on the HI forum.
Thought I was gonna faint when Karda said I was the winner.
She's a real beauty, Raj Kumars talent showing through and a prized possession. I wanted it out of the sheath like the others but the sheath is sterling silver and a piece of art work in it's own right. So for now I'll keep them together.
I always thought something like this would be great for kukri display. You can see both sides depending on where you place it.

That's a super idea right there. I want to make the semi readily accessible to maintain or use when I get the urge but that would be doable.

Great idea.
too bad it didnt raise muc hmoney, I but it could not have gone to a better person! I am doing my best to buy as many blades as is humanly possible to make up for this lacking raffle !-- also we all need secret agent rooms full of khukuris that roll out of the wall on a rack
too bad it didnt raise muc hmoney, I but it could not have gone to a better person! I am doing my best to buy as many blades as is humanly possible to make up for this lacking raffle !-- also we all need secret agent rooms full of khukuris that roll out of the wall on a rack

Oh, no... That's what Auntie wanted to raffle it for. It sold all it's tickets too. It just took a good while.
It's of course priceless to me (very special) and I knew it was worth a lot, didn't realize that much not that I would part with it for twice that much.

I thought a time or two about putting it back up to make more money for the Kami's but I just can't get myself to go through with it.
Like I say, very special.
I'd sacrifice a bit of blade length for a good grip. A snug grip is good.
Even 7 1/2" if needed for the blade would be fine...

The bottom one is 7-1/2".
A half inch was added to the handle, making it 4 inches.
The blade is 3-1/2" (identical to the blade in the middle shot).


From top to bottom:

10" total, approx. 5" blade and 5" handle (original knife)
7 " total, with 3.5" blade and 3.5" handle (blade height reduced to 90%)
7.5" total, with 3.5" blade and 4" handle (blade height reduced to 90%)
I think you've struck perfection Mr. Tall. Perhaps reduce the blade height a bit more for better proportion.

I like that very much. What's anybody else think? I like it.
Well Mr tedwca is quite possibly the smartest man alive cept for Mr. Tall who's wicked smart at designing Mini Bowie Knives.
I wasn't happy with my first phase blade rack so I took tedwca's idea and modified it slightly and it works pretty darn nice. Plenty of room for expansion since they are 14 x 14 panels. If need be I can board up that window for more knife space.
Evidence photo's or it didn't happen.

The Katana will get it's own rack and place of honor but I couldn't resist adding it to the rack for a picture.

Thanks Mr. tedwca, great idea. I put a bungy cord down the middle as an extra precaution and that works swell too. I'm much happier with this setup than the hidden version behind the rifle rack. That was kind of dumb, probably why I thunk of it first.
I cheaped out for my mounting. I use a regular picture hanger on the blade and an L shaped screw on the cho. Cheap to buy, can either be brass or Steele colored and can use any wall you want for them
The Katana is Phreegin beautiful. Can I hold it!:D There should be an uspoken rule that the blade cannot ever leave more than an arms length from the sheath! They both are awesome!