Blade Storage/Display aka Bawanna's Blade Addiction.


Could always mount it like Mr.Powell did.
Mr. Powell must have an exquisite bank account too me thinks.

Looks like a gehazi wall to me. Something to seek but most likely never attain. Darn nice wall though.

I toyed with the idea of hanging in the sheath but I wanted the blades to breath, open air, not unknowingly be subjected to moisture. Probably not an issue at this point since I have so few and frequently handle them and fondle them. When I get closer to Mr. Powell's wall it might be too time consuming ya know?
The bottom one is 7-1/2".
A half inch was added to the handle, making it 4 inches.
The blade is 3-1/2" (identical to the blade in the middle shot).


From top to bottom:

10" total, approx. 5" blade and 5" handle (original knife)
7 " total, with 3.5" blade and 3.5" handle (blade height reduced to 90%)
7.5" total, with 3.5" blade and 4" handle (blade height reduced to 90%)

Playing this around in my head some more I think 7.5" with 4"blade and 3 1/2" handle would be ideal. Maybe best to leave at 3.5 blade and 4'' handle though so it works with larger hands too. Can't stop working this in my head.
Still plenty thick and strong of course.
Playing this around in my head some more I think 7.5" with 4"blade and 3 1/2" handle would be ideal. Maybe best to leave at 3.5 blade and 4'' handle though so it works with larger hands too. Can't stop working this in my head.
Still plenty thick and strong of course.

Here ya go:


The upper one is the original 10" (5" blade, 5" handle).
The middle one is 7.5" (4" blade, 3.5" handle).
The lower one is 8" (4" blade, 4" handle).

[The blades on the bottom two are identical; the original was shrunk down to 80% horizontal, and 90% vertical.]
I like the 7.5 myself. Looks symmetrical, just a bit nose heavy. I think that's it right there.
Hey, Bwanna, get yourself a two level katana kake to display the sword and the scabbard together. Or make your own, you've got skills. There are examples and plans all over the net.
Hey, Bwanna, get yourself a two level katana kake to display the sword and the scabbard together. Or make your own, you've got skills. There are examples and plans all over the net.

Precisely what I figured John T. I like the unwritten rule that the sheath should never be more than an arms length away from the sword. They are both works of art that I'm not nearly worthy of even having.

I'm doing some mental figuring in my man cave on a place of prominence to display it proudly.
Thanks for the good idea.
what a great space bawanna ! when my customs are done my wall ,too ,shall be on display , huzzah
Bawanna...badass wall!! I know this is a knife forum, but dang, we need more pics of the Tommy Gun!!!!!!!
Thanks guys, I'm happy with this version. Plenty of room for expansion.

I'd be happy to do more pics of Tommy but I better wait and hear if that's ok here in the Cantina.
You guys are trying to get me in trouble here. I thought I had some Tommy pics accessible but can't find them. I'll have to take some, I'll get some of the case too. Might have some of those here.
Here's a shot looking down at the top of that case, what the Tommy is setting on.

Different angle.

Oooo, here's one with the door open. An 03-A3 with a super heavy barrel and a 12x Unertl scope. Built long long ago as a 1000 yard match rifle.

A Hi Power and a 42 Colt under glass since your getting me in trouble already anyhow.

We now return you to your favorite blade forum.
I love that hi-power display setup, Bawanna. The ammo collection is pretty, impressive, too. I was looking at the photo of you on top of the case, and for a second I thought you had shot a unicorn! I think it's more likely a goat, though I wouldn't be surprised if you had shot a unicorn.
I love that hi-power display setup, Bawanna. The ammo collection is pretty, impressive, too. I was looking at the photo of you on top of the case, and for a second I thought you had shot a unicorn! I think it's more likely a goat, though I wouldn't be surprised if you had shot a unicorn.

Yup, goat, taken with a bow back in the 70's in my vertical days. See the bottom part of him mounted in the first blade rack photo. I didn't take pictures or get the unicorn mounted. My bad. No evidence and all.
How did you know it was me anyhow? Only time in my whole life I ever had a beard. Had a mustache since I was 6 but seldom a beard. Trying to grow one now, not good at beards. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I just assumed it was you based on the resemblance.

You can have some of my beard, I have more than enough to go around... I'm not sure how make that happen but I'm sure we could work it out.
Impressive all right! Im buggin out to your place if the world comes crumbling down! Im partial to that 03-A3 myself. Love the pistol grip C stock!
Impressive all right! Im buggin out to your place if the world comes crumbling down! Im partial to that 03-A3 myself. Love the pistol grip C stock!

You might want to get started this way, I do believe it's a coming soon.