blood pressure

Diet, exercise, and modern medicine. :p

Seriously, my doc says diet and exercise are the two most important things for anything heart related.

Diet (controlling your salt intake) and some type of cardio vascular exercise is what my doc told me. If that doesn't work then drugs.
If you are overweight, the first step is to loose it. After that, exercise regularly. Then look at diet and drugs.

But why consign yourself to a lifetime of drugs if you just need to drop 25 lbs and then spend 30 minutes on a stationary bike three times a week?
No caffeine, lower fat diet and excercise, and a mild diuretic, HCTZ. Although if you're on HCTZ, eat a banana every day.
1. Lose weight
2. Exercise
3. Change the way you eat, permanently

A note on salt. Many people eliminate table salt and think they've done well. Wrong. The majority of your daily salt intake is from processed or other foods. Read labels carefully to find the lowest salt content you can.

You should use meds if you need to control it now, but you may be able to get yourself off of them eventually. All meds have side effects, and many aren't cheap. Save yourself some money and other problems by trying to get off of them.

Start walking today! Good luck!
besides omitting sodium, increase your potassium intake. Increasing the potassium to sodium ratio is as important that simply omitting sodium itself. Potassium lowers blood pressure. Sodium raises it. The easiest way to get more potassium is generous portions of fruit in your diet, particularly bananas, oranges, apples, etc. Other than that, I have lowered mine through meditation, exercise, and limiting my visits to Whine and Cheese. :D

agree with the lose weight. I went from 187 to 163 and my doctor told me that I could stop taking my BP medicene if I wanted to get it a try. paul
Also, regular comsumption of hot sauces, particularly in place of fatty sauces (read: mayo), has been theorized to help shave a few points.
It also helps to reduce your stress-level, even it that means getting rid of your wife and/or job.:D.
Tsimi I'm still way overweight @ 275 but my BP is just fine and with no meds. The guys here have told you spot on. Lower the salt and something they didn't mention, try lowering your stress levels.
I went in last Thursday for pre-op testing for a minor surgery that I go in for this Wed. and my BP was 110/75 and that's with No Meds!!!!:D
I credit a lot of it too my Rollator and being able to get out and walk once again too, still trying for 6 miles a week at the moment and try to walk every other day.
Have you stopped to consider that you're just gettin older?:p ;)

Oops, just saw that Glockman brought up the stress levels.:rolleyes:
For those of you that don't know Jim, he's in great of the last people that I thought would have high bp
Mellow Chaos said:
No caffeine, lower fat diet and excercise, and a mild diuretic, HCTZ. Although if you're on HCTZ, eat a banana every day.
HCTZ is commonly available in combination with the antikaliuretic Triamterene so you don't pee out all your potassium along with your sodium. Diazide is probably the most well known combo. Ask your doc about it - and what the heck, eat the banana every day too! :)
mycroftt said:
HCTZ is commonly available in combination with the antikaliuretic Triamterene so you don't pee out all your potassium along with your sodium. Diazide is probably the most well known combo. Ask your doc about it - and what the heck, eat the banana every day too! :)

Thanks, Mycroft. :)
Yvsa said:
I went in last Thursday for pre-op testing for a minor surgery that I go in for this Wed. and my BP was 110/75 and that's with No Meds!!!!:D

Ha! I've got you beat. Mine, at last check, was 100/60 with no medications whatsoever. The downside of having naturally low blood pressure is that if I stand up too suddenly after a long sit, I get lightheaded and feel as though I'm going to pass out. :(