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Blue Dart - price reduced

Feedback: 2 / 0 / 0
Mar 6, 2006
Hello all - Same great knife, new poor pic, NOT... great new pic by Dan Koster.
New price: $695

Here's my newest folding dagger.
This beauty is made with sterling silver bolsters.
Larry Donnelly damascus. And some very fine blue mammoth bark.
3" blade. 7.75" oal
Smooth action. Locks firmly with a 'snap'.

Hello Mark!

I can't believe this hasn't sold at this price! A friend asked me if the silver on the bolsters was too pure to be practical for a knife. What is your answer?

Bill Steffenberg
Too pure to be practical? To me that's kind of an odd thought.

Sterling is a classic knife-related handle, hilt, bolster material. Frankly, I can't think of a reason not to use even Fine silver for a bolster (which is purer still). It has a higher melting point and that comes in handy if you're using IT solder or doing enamel work.
I'm no where near able to afford this beauty, but I'd think it'd be a very practical knife. I think it would be a great companion to a SF-style bowie myself!

Nice work- I'd never been attracted to Mammoth Ivory before, but that blue bark is just stunning!
Bill, thanks for asking. Sterling silver actually comes in a couple different hardnesses. The sterling that I used on the 'Blue Dart' is not soft, but standard. Which I'm told is just a bit harder.
And no, it hasn't sold yet. Wanna buy it? ;)
damn i keep seeing this knife lol. but unfortunately i would be scared to touch it and hurt it. but its amazing . i dont collect safequeens but if i did it would be mine, i would eat a bowl of elephant **** to have that knife rofl.
All new pics coming! Dan Koster of Koster knives is taking some shots of the 'blue dart' for me. Will be posted as soon as I get them.
This is a real nice knife, however the "Featured" knife on your website, turns my crank even more.

Great Work

:D :D
Hey Mark,
Would it be impossible to convert the Blue Dart into D/A ability?
If so how much would it add it the sale price.
Dave, probably not impossible but not something for me to try. But!!! I do have plans for my first auto. It will be similar in design to the blue dart in that it will be a folding dagger. I'll be showing that one off... oh, in many months from now.