Botach Tactical

K Williams

Gold Member
Feedback: +4 / =0 / -0
Nov 17, 1998
I placed an order with Botach about 2 weeks ago only because they had a very good sale on Camelback packs. I should have listened to the little voice that was saying, "Don't do it!". (Yes, I've had problems with Botach in the past.) Anyway, I received an e-mail confirmation...something they never did in the past, so I figured things had improved. I was wrong. Since the e-mail confirmation, I haven't received the order or any notification of its status. Botach sucks... :mad:
Dont want to sound insensitive, but you kind of got what you deserved.

Seems almost every time I read a Botach is bad post, its somebody who says "oh yeah, I read the warnings" or "they screwed me before" but gee, the price was good. So what? Save a few bucks and have to deal with crappy service?

Botach continues to remain in buisness and continues to have a piss poor reputation for service as they have no reason to change. All they have to do is say "hey, who cares if we screwed up...put something on sale and these people will still order over and over...and over"

Still, hope ya get your stuff.
Dann, can I add a couple?

You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time.

There is a sucker born every minute.

Botach runs their business based on the above adages.