broken coldsteel

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Dec 15, 2002
I sent a Coldsteel Recon 1 folder to Coldsteel for repair. the ultra lock was broken. I actually got the knife from a friend. It was not new. In your experience what action will Coldsteel take? Will they fix it for free or charge me? what has been your experience with CS warranty service etc. are they good to deal with or not? thanks for all your help. dtsoll
dtsoll said:
I sent a Coldsteel Recon 1 folder to Coldsteel for repair. the ultra lock was broken. I actually got the knife from a friend. It was not new. In your experience what action will Coldsteel take? Will they fix it for free or charge me? what has been your experience with CS warranty service etc. are they good to deal with or not? thanks for all your help. dtsoll

They probably won't since you didn't get it brand new. But they probably would fix it if you paid to have it repaired. Well as long as the warrany is still good on the knife and as long as Cold Steel doesn't know that you got it from someone else they probably would fix it.
probably probably probably

dtsoll, please help us out here. We get a lot of loud talk about Cold Steel, but few actual experiences. If and when you get a response from them, let us know how they handle this! :D
ok guys, this was posted 4 years ago, kinda late for asking questions or making suggestions. Just a thought.;)
yah, I think KyleTuk saw the thread when I posted it on the other thread he created and thought it was new. I should not have said anything and let this thread get huge. Would have been good for kicks. I guess we still can do it.

Ok, dtsoll, what happened? We want to know, so wht if it is 4 years later and you may be living in Zimbabwe with no internet.;)
Looks like dtsoll's last 3 posts were in March 2005, February 2004, and November 2003. Not very communicative. Maybe he's waiting for an answer from CS before he gets back into the BF game again full-time.
I have had pretty good experiences with Cold Steel's warranty/repair department. They have replaced a few knives that had the old zytel clips with new metal clip models when the old clips broke.

I sent a Gunsite in for sharpening and some idiot ran the grind wheel over the first 3 serrations and jacked them up. I sent it back and they sent me a brand new one.

I bought all of the knives on eBay, so I had no receipts and they still fixed 'em. Not too shabby.

Replying to a 3-4 year old post...sweet.
Yeah, but notice that dtsoll never got back to telling us what happened. You guys may have lost faith, but I've logged in every day...waiting...every day since Dec. 31, 2002, to find out how it worked out. I'm positive...well, somewhat positive...or "hopeful" might be a better word...that we'll hear the end of this story once the knife gets back from Cold Steel.

The rest of you, go your own way. When dtsoll gets back to us, I'll be here...waiting...ready...snzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
let's give dtsoll a break...I mean it's only been 4 years right? Give him a few more years. In the meantime we can all just :jerkit: while we wait
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