NEITHER! Both Case and Buck offer good knives but neither, IMHO, offer the quality and value that Queen Cutlery Company's knives do. Queen's low-end lines of knives offer superior stainless steel with their QS-14 (440A) over Buck's 425M and Case's 416 and 420 series. On the low end, Queen's fit and finish are at least comparable to Buck's and Case's,too. On the higher ends, there is simply no comparison. Queen's ATS-34 blade steel outshines both Buck's and Case's regular lines by a considerable margin. Only in their special runs that feature ATS-34 and BG-42 are Buck and Case anywhere close to being in Queen's class when it comes to blade steels. The same is true of handle materials. Queen's Winterbottom bone, Robeson's brown and "strawberry" bones, and Schatt & Morgan's exemplary selection of handle materials make their competitor's offerings of handle materials look sad, indeed. But, the biggest attraction of higher-end Queen, Robeson, and Schatt & Morgan knives is their fit and finish. Queen's knives are assembled and finished "the old-fashioned way", by hand, and boy, does it show! Neither Buck's nor Case's fit and finish is anywhere close to Queen's, in my experience. In fact, I have seen Case Tony Bose trappers that did not have anywhere near the quality of fit and finish that a $100 Schatt & Morgan routinely has. It kind of made me wonder what Case was charging the extra $250 for! I recommend, therefore that you strongly consider buying Queen. Queen knives are not always the cheapest and they sometimes require some effort to find but they are more than worth the extra money and effort.