Carrying a Fixed Blade in Public

Nov 7, 2000
What are your thoughts abount carrying a fixed blade (sheathed, at your side) in public? Are there places in the USA where this would not be a problem?
I can say with absolute certainty that Princeton would NOT be the place to do that.
Sure, there are lots of places where that would not be a problem. Carrying a fixed blade concealed is a crime almost anywhere without a permit. However, carrying a fixed blade around in a belt sheath without good reason (hunting, fishing, work, etc) can also get you in a lot of trouble. It will make folks notice you.

You might be able to get away with a small (less than 5 inch blade length) FB depending on where you are in everday life (Montana, Idaho, etc). Some states like mine have laws that make it illegal to carry Any knife, whether concelead Or displayed if carried with the Intent to use it as a weapon.

So the legality of carry will be determined by the cop of the street, his psychic abilities to determine your intent, and probably by how old you are, how you are dressed, where you are, and what you are doing. Given the law in my state, when I carry small fixed blades, I keep them concealed to avoid undo attention. And I never carry any knife with the Intent to use it as a weapon.

If confronted by a LEO about carrying any knife, and you use self-defense as your reason for knife carry, you will lose the knife for sure, and may be going to jail, as well as court.

Good luck!


[This message has been edited by Paracelsus (edited 11-29-2000).]
So, what is a nice and valid response I can polish nice and shiney for when a LEO asks me why I have a certain knife in my pocket? I mean, we can all say, opening boxes at work, etc, but does anyone have anything they have polished to rattle off in the face of an incriminating situation?


Heading up the Al Mar support contingency since 2000.
Originally posted by Paracelsus:
...Carrying a fixed blade concealed is a crime almost anywhere without a permit...

FYI, one of the quirky things about NYC law as I understand it is that concealed is the legal way to carry (i.e., <4" blade, either fixed blade or locking folder). Here's the supporting excerpt:

C. It shall be unlawful for any person in a public place, street or park to wear outside of his or her clothing or carry in open view any knife with an exposed or unexposed blade unless such person is
actually using such knife for a lawful purpose...

Boriqua has links to both NYS & NYC law at


He who finishes with the most toys wins.
Originally posted by defiant:
So, what is a nice and valid response I can polish nice and shiney for when a LEO asks me why I have a certain knife in my pocket?

Heading up the Al Mar support contingency since 2000.

Say absolutely nothing and call a lawyer.

I live in Alabama, and have had no trouble from wearing a fixed blade openly. I frequently carry a BM Nimravus, and sometimes a Busse #5 (one at a time
) in On/Scene Tactical sheaths.

i have been carrying a fixed blade in the open for quite some time (one of my own design and making) its not especially large (4"blade) but much quicker to put into use than a folder- i also consider it to be advertising, the only people to take notice around here (idaho/wyoming) have asked to see it,- heaven help us from the people who think they need to protect us from ourselves!
I would find that carring a fixed blade knife would bring attention to yourself more so then wanted and also it would be cumbersome, especially when you sat down!

I don't and never have carried a fixed blade knife mainly for these two reasons!


Fixed blades are harder to justify than folders. You also have to look at what you have done to draw the attention of the police. You need to be careful about answering the question about whether or not you have any weapons. If you are asked this and you say you have a knife, you have just given the officer the intent of why you are carrying the knife. I do know that a lot of the CCW charges for knives in this are of Ohio get thrown out. They are mainly used by Police to cause you grief. This info is based on things that have happened in my little area of Ohio. Your experiences may vary.

Win if can, lose if you must, but always cheat.
I have been carrying fixed blades openly in the San Francisco bay area of California for almost a year now, usually one of several 4 inchers that I have, and I have never had anyone make notice of it.

If an LEO ever asked me why I was carrying it, I would tell them the truth (gasp!), that I am a knife enthusiast and collector, that I carry one for the pure enjoyment of having a good knife handy for any little cutting chore that I encounter, and my choice of knife is based on versatility for chores from the very smallest to the gravest emergency situations.
I have been giving this issue a lot of thought lately (I've been carrying fixed blades a lot latley!). Here in Arizona, it's perfectly legal to carry a firearm on your side, and likewise, a knife. The problem is, as it's been getting quite cold up here in the mountains, I'm finding that coats and jackets cause a little problem. Usually the knife is only partially concealed which, according to everyone I've asked, is still fine. <Judge to officer: How did you SEE the knife if it was concealed?> Still makes me a little nervous though.

Another minor problem is nervous "liberal" types, who oggle and whisper about the scary thing on my belt.
Steve- Good Answer.

Kumdo- I have found the best response to that is education. Offer to show it to them, explain it's usefulness, elaborate on the importance of cutting tools in the manufacture of all goods, Talk to the about evolution- how without the blade we would still be hiding in the grasses. They will still point and whisper, but you will feel better, and you might even convert .5% of them.

Thank you,
Marion David Poff aka Eye, Cd'A ID, USA

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"We will either find a way, or make one." Hannibal, 210 B.C.
Originally posted by Dirk:
You need to be careful about answering the question about whether or not you have any weapons. If you are asked this and you say you have a knife, you have just given the officer the intent of why you are carrying the knife.

But if you have a large knife on you, say 3+ inches, and you answer "no", and he/she finds it, then you could be in big do-do.




Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I've seen popele carry fixed blades in public on their belt twice here in Ohio. Both cases they had a schrade sharp finger. One was a guy at the county fair, his kids showed horses and hogs. I think he may have been a farmer, in which case he was spending mroe time in public during the fair than usual. But to my knowledge he never got any trouble fomr all the police that patrolled the fairgrounds.
The second guy was at a clinic put on by dell hendricks and purina about different training techniques for reining horses.
If its a reasonably sized knife and your using it lawfully, I don't see what the problem would be depending on your surroundings. It would probabyl be taken less favorably in an office than a wharehouse or construction site.

I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer... but I've got the sharpest knife in the room.
HI Neighbor,

I was carrying a Bill Pease swinger for quite awhile. For those who don't know a swinger is a small knife which clips to your
belt loop. Nice because it doesn't get in the
way sitting. Most hace a 3"-3 1/4" Bl.
I'm not a young guy and dress pretty
much in Dockers and the like, no problems or
comments. I switched to a small custom folder just because it was there. Just got a
swinger out of the cabinet and I might go back. Just don't tell my wife about swinging.

Win Heger
I carried a fixed blade every so often, but it is a sharp finger, with the sheath on my belt, and then stuck in my back pocket. Yes you can see the handle, but no most people don't recognise it.
I carried my custom mini fang daily for a long time. Of course it is only about 6" overall with a 2.5" blade. I wore it horizontal in a black concealex sheath made by River city sheaths. On my black belt it almost disapeared. No one ever said anything. I showed it to my wifes cousin who works in the federal prisoon system and she said it was "cute". I doubt it would cause much trouble due to it's small size. I only stopped carrying itbecause I got a new Spyderco that needs some pocket time

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I have been carrying a fixed Blade on my hip for eight years now and dont ever have any trouble.I live in a small town and am out in the county,plus everybody in town knows that I make knives so nobody ever looks at me funny,except when I dont have it or my hat on.
I went to the mall a couple of years ago and had my knife on my hip and one of the security officers seen it and asked me to take it off and stick it in my boot or put my jacket back on so it was covered,or take it to the car...He said that it was no problem that I had it but somebody might get a funny feeling (be afraid) if they saw it.....I thought that this was kind of dumb but I put my jacket back on and everything was cool,Me myself I would rather see the knife on the hip that way I would know if something was going to happen....Bruce

Bruce Evans Handcrafted Knives
The soul of the Knife begins in the Fire!!!!!
Member of,AKTI#A000223 and The American Bladesmith Society