Chiruwa Ang Khola 1/2 inch thick


What are the specs for your special order CAK? I'm curious what you asked for because CAKs with 1/2" thick spines are not that unusual.

Also, I hope you're aware that "length" for HI knives means overall length, not blade length. This is different from the terminology used in other knife and sword forums, and occasionally causes confusion. I believe the "original CAK" is listed at 16.5", but it would have a blade length around 11.5", give or take a bit.

-- Dave
Hi Dave!
I´m aware of the overall size... but as i told earlier i need a CAK with at least half inch spine... for ops purpose.
And Mrs.Yangdu told me that my CAK will be 18 inch long with a half inch spine... at least.
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And Mrs.Yangdu told me that my CAK will be 18 inch long with a half inch spine... at least.

Auntie will fix you up proper, I have no doubt. I just noticed your Brazil location, I suspect the rules there are far different, not at all to imply wrong, just different. I have nothing but total respect for any dept that allows their officer to carry a Khuk on their person or in their vehicle! If I had any input all officers would have them as part of the uniform

I'm just an office puke in my dept but I'm the only one that carries a khuk. It's not flagrant and not authorized but so far no one has told me not to. I have to leave my gun in the car now as we got a new DC that didn't want to have civilians armed in the office. I carried it for 18 years without issue, now it's an issue, go figure.

I'm anxiously awaiting your new blade right along with you, the waiting is very painful but I think you'll love it when it gets there.

Hope to see pictures when you get it.
Be safe.
Auntie will fix you up proper, I have no doubt. I just noticed your Brazil location, I suspect the rules there are far different, not at all to imply wrong, just different. I have nothing but total respect for any dept that allows their officer to carry a Khuk on their person or in their vehicle! If I had any input all officers would have them as part of the uniform

I'm just an office puke in my dept but I'm the only one that carries a khuk. It's not flagrant and not authorized but so far no one has told me not to. I have to leave my gun in the car now as we got a new DC that didn't want to have civilians armed in the office. I carried it for 18 years without issue, now it's an issue, go figure.

I'm anxiously awaiting your new blade right along with you, the waiting is very painful but I think you'll love it when it gets there.

Hope to see pictures when you get it.
Be safe.

Thanks brother! As soon as possible i send ya the pics.
Hi Mrs.Yangdu!

Just sent you an email with the notice of payment in the PayPal.

Thank You for your patience!

cant wait to see your knife rod, and please tell your fellows about HI, I don't doubt you will be satisfied ! maybe auntie and the kamis can come out with a special "brazil operations khukri " as a general release for the rest of us !
Thanks brother! As soon as possible i send ya the pics.

Another thought since your so far off. You might want to have Auntie send that bad boy straight to Pugs or one of the other excellent sheath makers and have them make a nice leather scabbard for it.
The sheath it comes with is very nice but for your application a flatter more compact leather sheath would be a real plus.
I've only spoke with Pugs, not the others but they all seem to turn out first class stuff.
They will work with you to make it do whatever you want to do. I know I have a couple that I still hope to send to Pugs for new clothes, soon as the bank account allows.
The good sheath makers will need your knife to make a perfect fit, so it would mean a return trip to the states.

Just a thought only worth the cyberspace it's written on.

Be safe.
Anyone knows if Mrs.Yangdu is all right???
I sent her couple emails but she didn´t answered yet... Is she ok?
cant wait to see your knife rod, and please tell your fellows about HI, I don't doubt you will be satisfied ! maybe auntie and the kamis can come out with a special "brazil operations khukri " as a general release for the rest of us !

Yup... The word is out... Everybody in my unit already knows that i bought a baby monster! Even the Chief of Counter Narc Ops wanna buy one!
Anyone knows if Mrs.Yangdu is all right???
I sent her couple emails but she didn´t answered yet... Is she ok?

She sometimes goes hiking or doing other things on the weekends. Please be patient, i'm sure she will reply as soon as she's able.
What kind of material is best to use in the handle slabs? For toughness?

Did you go with wood on your order?

Seeing that you are in Brazil, I assume (perhaps incorrectly, Brazil is a big country) that you reside in a humid climate. I think horn handles are more prone to cracking when the occasional dry spell hits; they don't shrink and expand as reliably as wood.
Did you go with wood on your order?

Seeing that you are in Brazil, I assume (perhaps incorrectly, Brazil is a big country) that you reside in a humid climate. I think horn handles are more prone to cracking when the occasional dry spell hits; they don't shrink and expand as reliably as wood.

I asked for wood cos´ horn don´t work well in Brazil... Thanks!
Just received my kukri... it´s beautiful... but it´s not what i asked and payed for... Not half-inch thick! I´m really not happy... caused me a bad impression this business.
Definitely call or email Yangdu ASAP! She said she was at the shack packing knives a few hours ago she should be answering emails anytime.
Just received my kukri... it´s beautiful... but it´s not what i asked and payed for... Not half-inch thick! I´m really not happy... caused me a bad impression this business.
Rod, Kami made mistake during shop move from one place to another and made mistake on spine thickness.
Keep this blade free of charge and I will reorder the one with 1/2 thickness. Old manger Rajesh will take care of your original order.
Once again I am sorry