Civilian, Axis, or Genesis?

Apr 21, 1999
Alright, my birthday is comming up next month, so its time to buy another knife. I have narrowed it down to the following three choices: Spyderco Civilian, Benchmade Axis, or the EDI Genesis. This knife will be purchased for defense purposes only, I have my Ascent for utility purposes. So which one do you think I should buy?

For a "defensive" knife I would tend to think the Civilian would be better. The Genesis/Axis can double in a pinch but I know the Genesis is more along the line of a utility blade. I haven't played with the Axis yet.

All three are great knives. Let us know what you decide.


definitely the axis. why get another lockback or linerlock? the axis lock will not let you down as easily. the handle is very comfortable. it cuts incredibly well. check out some of joe talmadge's reviews of the axis. use the search feature.

The Axis is the way to go. The handle to blade size is the best I"ve seen, and the lock is probably the strongest available along with REKAT knives.

Definitely go for the BM axis...the EDI Genesis doesn't even compare
You can't go wrong with any of the 3 knives. But I agree with Kodiak PA. And there is nothing as intemidating as the Civilian. It is just way to mean and whicked. You can get it with alum. with a black rubber insert in the handle or in G-10, both are great.
Chris, Top of Texas Knives

roadkill -- Buy the Cilivian first (purely a defensive knife), and the BM Axis and Genesis later (since you already have your Ascent that'll take the function of the Axis and Genesis for utility).

The alum handled Civilian will be discontinued, with the G-10 to remain.

Do tell us what you eventually buy and give us a review, ok?
Hmmmmm, some good choices here. I vote for the Civi. Now that's what I call an attention getter!

No honey, all my knives DON'T look the same!
I'm not sure how amenable you are to other options, but there is also the REKAT Carnivour. Solid lock (like the axis), probably good handle ergonomics (you won't slip if you get blood on your hands) and possibly soon available in Talonite (wooo!). Plus, it's in the price range of the ones you mentioned (well, the ATS-34 version is, at least).

That little plug made, I'll confess to only handling the Axis, out of the 'top three' you just mentioned. It IS nice. Nice blade, nice handle. Solid lock. It would be my top pick as a utility knife (not defense, I carry an AFCK for that) if BM would just market it with a high-end blade steel.

Hope that helps!


Hey! Uncle Sam!

(_!_) Nyah nyah nyah!

Refund! You lose! :)

Civilian. Since you want a knife for defensive purposes only.

The other two are really nice knives which you could purchase later, but they are not made for pure defense. Since you already have an Ascent, that meets the same purpose as the other two.

The Escalator and the Carnivour are also aimed more toward the defensive folder market niche. They both look a little more general purpose than the Civilian. I'm considering both of these right now.
Hmmm, well since no one's suggested it...Civilian


(Why else would a bear want a pocket?)
I think highly of all 3 knives. However, I still think the Axis is a pretty easy winner -- I think that highly of it. Winning points over the Genesis for me are the Axis's amazing cutting ability due to its recurved edge geometry, and the superiority of the axis lock over any liner lock, especially in terms of *reliability*. Winning points over the Civilian for me, first and foremost, is the fact that the Civilian has given up stabbing ability for its wicked slashing ability. How good of a tradeoff this is depends on you, but for me at my skill level, not being able to do a classic stab would be a downright foolish mistake. The Axis is a wicked slasher for a non-hawkbill blade, and has incredible stab penetration as well. Other factors are again the superiority of the axis lock, and handle size. I generally favor bigger knives, but the fact is I carry my Axis much more than my bigger folders, due to size alone.

Are you sure you won't include the REKAT Carnivour in the list?

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

Sticking to your '...for defensive use only..' theme, I would have to go with the Civilian[ as a matter of fact I do carry a G10 Civilian when I need a purely defensive folder ]. I would rather have a concealable fixed blade for a stricly defensive knife over any of the folders though. Luckly I live is a CCW friendly state and carry something more appropriate for first line defense, and a GENESIS for utility/backup. You'll be happy with any of your candidates.

Stay Sharp!
Will Fennell
President-EDI Knives
I commend your candor about your personal carry.It just shows you meet the nicest people on a knife site! I also have a g-10 civilian,it is one mean looking mother.It`s only disadvantage to me is in the stabbing dept,since this is a slash only knife. It depends on one`s fighting style.
Many people are more afraid of a knife wound than a bullet wound.The civilian would be great against them for shock value alone
The civilian was designed specifically for defense only and for undercover LEO's (different rules for them).

But the axis lock is stronger and the blade shape is more versatile.

Also, should you find yourself actually having to use it for that purpose, and subsequently find yourself in an interview or worse yet in court, a knife that was admittedly designed as a weapon goes to intent. The authorities can be very narrow in their interpretation of this.

A utility knife does not go to intent even though used as a weapon. And a utility knife will work just fine when you've trained.

Ron Knight

Yeah I'm crazy, but what do you want me to do about it
I'm the Benchmade wife and from my point of view the Axis is the one. It's so cool (and hot!) and timeless. FYI, we just found out today that the model 710 has also been named the "Shooting Industry Academy of Excellence 1999 Knife of the Year". This is the second year Benchmade has won in this category. Last year it was the model 910 Stryker. (I'm a proud wife)
I would get the Axis lock. But thats just me. Get whatever is comfortable in your hand, can be carried almost everywhere, and has a lock you trust 100%.


Of the three you questioned about I would pick the AXIS. Great penetration and more solid than the Genesis. The civilian is good but too limited in how you can fight with it.

If you are open to suggestions add the CARNIVOR to your list! IMHO better than all three.

Long live Bladeforums!

