Cold Steel Cold Steel 2021 Catalog : Lots of 3V Big Choppers

Let's not jump the gun. We don't know how these guys will play with their dealer network, and these prices may simply represent even bigger discounts. We may yet see that $764.99...kukuri selling for $300 with a 60% discount off of MSRP. Time will tell.

I'm thinking they can sell a few at MAP , but will have to come way down for most CS core customers .

We are value buyers . :p
The Cold Steel Warcrafts are 3V with full tang exposed , G10 scales .

Yea, that's the one Cold Steel 3V fixed blade that I've given some thought to picking up. I just can't seem to get over the mall ninja look it has.

Have you seen the actual tangs? I believe they are pretty sturdy/wide/tall, not like a rat tail tang or anything.

Plenty strong.

They're definitely not a rat tail, and do have a good amount of width to them. The main reasons I want one with a full, exposed tang is two-fold. One, since it's 3V, I'd be having some fun abusing it, rather than using it how a knife is intended, lol. I'd like to be able to BEAT on the blade while batoning with it and not have to worry about a misfire breaking the nylon handle. The other reason, is that I don't like the handles Cold Steel uses on their fixed blades and would eventually be removing it to make my own... And to be frank, a full, exposed tang would be easier for me and my limited skill set to work with than a hidden tang.
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If the AD15 Lite street price is under $100 I'll check it out, and possibly sell one of my regular AD15s. Was kind of excited about the Silver Eye at first, as I thought it might be cheaper than the Golden Eye (and less bling-y), but guess not. Probably check out the Mini recon too now that it's uncoated. Have a bunch of old-school CV and SMIII TMs and Laredos, so no interest in the 3V models, especially at those princes. I get my 3V fix from CPK.
The msrp prices are higher than an I expected to see. Was excited the talwar was brought back, but at that price it would be a no go for me. I'm hoping the prices we see from dealers are lower, but don't have high hopes. Also agree with others they should be offering better sheaths by now.