Crack On My 18"ak, Help!!!!!

Aug 10, 2001
1/4" CRACK DEVELOPED ON MY 18"AK HORN HANDLE near THE hilt.Can it be treated with FIEBINGS?I've been using Hoof Moisture.Can it be sanded away?Or just use Krazy glue? ;)
Justright--if the crack is really narrow, try some superglue. My BAS has some small cracks in the handle, and superglue took care of them no problem. You can sand the horn down a bit after you fill the crack. I use 1000 or 1500 grit paper with a little hooflex on the handle-- seems to avoid scratching. If hoof moisture or Fiebings is similar to hooflex ( a smelly gooey mess) you might want to try some, though I think sanding without it would be ok. You could just leave the superglue without sanding if it is a user-- it really isn't that noticeable. Good luck, and let us know how your repair turns out.
It depends on how fine you want your handle-- I found that sanding with anything below 1000 grit dulled the finish on the horn a bit. I don't have a buffer, so I try to avoid scratching things in the first place:) The hooflex seems to bring back the shine, and smearing hooflex on the paper when you sand is even better. If you are looking for finer grits (1000+), try automotive supply places in the paint/body section. You can also find it at Wal-Mart in the automotive section in the paint/body area. If the knife is a user, I wouldn't worry too much about sanding it. The superglue dries clear, so all you will see is a little layer of clear plastic looking stuff over the horn. If you are careful when you apply it, you'll barely notice that it's there.
The good stuff in the "hoof cream" is lanolin. Check to see if the brand you use has the stuff in there. Fiebings apparently more lanolin than does Hooflex. Other wonderful forumites have used other products with lanolin (V05, blistex).

I've seen in a science supply catalog a tub of 100% pure lanolin for about 20 bux or so, but I didn't need two litres.

I use Hooflex but have this boot protector that has lanolin in it. I think the lanolin content is higher because it brings out the grain in the horn faster than the hoof stuff.
My horn handled Chit developed several long, narrow cracks over the weekend. I've applied V05 and will see what the results are when I get home again. Otherwise, I'll go the epoxy route.

If the handle disintegrates send it back for replacement.

The cracks may just close up with some treatment. Probably superglue is worst case. Don't worry yet.
I'm sure other husbands/fathers know this but if you want really high grade, ultra pure lanolin, look no further than you nursing wife's medicince cabinet for a product called Lansinoh. 100% medical grade sterile lanolin. And if you have extra you can treat those pesky chapped nipples we all get in the winter---aww c'mon admit it you get em too! Right?;) :p :D
Cracks in the handle are often a Khuks way of telling you what it's purpose is. I have a 15" AK that i got a few months back. I babied it with hoof creams and metal polish. It's brass was polished every couple days. Then a couple weeks ago i took it along as a camp knife (mainly to show my buddies) and long story short my idiot monkey of a friend accidentally dropped it down a 45 foot rock face. end over end unsheathed. I was horrified. The AK looked like it had been in a car wreck. Bolster dented up, horn cracked at the bottom so bad that it was in danger of a 1 1'2 chunk coming out above the buttcap, buttcap wiggled 30 degrees with ease. The knife was a mess. However, after about 5 bucks of superglue, 4 bucks of epoxy, 2 bucks of black electrical tape, some JB weld, and countless man-hours sharpening it. The khuk has found a new life as a user. It ain't pretty like it used to be, but it found a way to tell me it's real calling. It wanted to be rough and tumble and get into all the tight spots i might find myself. not sit at home on the wall shiny but bored. Because i'm one of those fellas that names his knives i've dubbed this one "Mr. Personality". Its not as shiny and polished as he used to be, but its shown it has a lot to say;) Just a thought.

I'm not too worried about it.Just want to make it last.;) I filled in the crack with super glue let dry and sanded it with 800 grit paper,can barely see it now.I'm off to the store to get 1000 to 1500 grit to polish it up.Thanks all for the help! frank c.... :D ;)
Glad you liked it Josh:) means a lot to a young punk like me when fellow forumites think what i have to say has substance to it.

Methinks MauiRob has been dying to use the phrase pesky chapped nipples in a forum posting and finally got his chance... :D
you are correct. an itty bitty crack is nothing compared to what my AK went through. I do want to clarify that the fall it too was in no was a powderpuff lob and a roll that cracked my handle. My buddy actually THREW it down the cliff face. he was chopping on a log to test it out when it slipped out of his gloved hands (he's a wuss like that. doesn't want to get blisters;)). It actually handle first into 40 ton piece of rock, bounced and i watched in horror as my baby flipped end over end diagonally on the rocks below. All things being equal i believe that if he had just dropped it down the rock face it wouldn't have cracked, dented or done much more than scratched up a bit. It was just that purt-near full force handle-first throw into the rock by my 215lb brute of of a friend that did the most damage. Just wanted to clear that up for any new guys brousing the forum;) If my AK still works after all that then you KNOW that these HI products can take the abuse you dish out;)

Originally posted by JUSTRIGHT
Good write-up,after that, a little crack isn't so bad after all.:D ;)

hehehehehehe!!!!!!!;) :o :D
I always thought a little crack was pretty good.;) :footinmou
I always thought a little crack was pretty good

Starting to sound like a plumber's convention around here!!:D

Actually the most crack I ever saw was the guy who fixes my oil burner:barf: :eek: Let me put it this way: If I'd have dropped a 12 sirupati it would've had a bed to lay in without its buttcap or bolster getting cold;) :D