Having been in law enforcement for over 19 years, I have seen many special editions of products made available only to law enforcement. A good example of this is a special run of a firearm or knife, and usually the only difference is cosmetic. Another example is "police package" vehicles, available only to agencies or officers, and the difference being actual components of the vehicle. Some gunsmiths will produce certain modifications only for law enforcement officers or agencies, one example being a well-known gunsmith who converted .38 K-frame S&W revolvers, with thin tapered 2-inch barrels, to .357 magnum, and altered the grip frame to something like a J-frame size. Certain variants of handguns have been LE-only, such as what are now known as DAO revolvers, and I believe certain variants of the Beretta 92 and 96. Some of these have no logical or legal reason for being LE-only. Perhaps Spyderco made a run of CRMIPT knives, and Bram wanted them all to go to LE. Alien Mind, do you have a Gunting and a drone handy? If so, compare the peaks of the ramps. The drone has a rounded peak, and the CRMIPT has a peak just like the regular Gunting. The CRMIPT also shares the slightly sharper points at the portion of the handle that is nearest the hole when the blade is open. The practical difference if the weapon is actually used in a self-defense situation is about zero. The CRMIPT would be more likely to break the skin than the drone, but that would probably not affect on the outcome of the fight, IMHO. Any time you must try to justify your use of self-defense, it is always in your favor to minimize the visible injuries that you have inflicted. Therefore, the drone is a better choice for self-defense by civilians, who do not have the benefit of lawyers furnished by the police union every time force is used. I can think of one reason I am glad the CRMIPT is LE-only: it keeps the collectors and speculators from buying all of them and driving the price up, since they are quite rare. BTW, I was not meaning that Pachucko and I should use violence to reinforce our positions; it was more of a private joke. Now, why don't we let Bram state his reasons, when he has time to get back to the forum?