DC Knife Knuts Lunch 2

Nov 25, 1998
I had such a good time at the first lunch, and several who missed it want to have another, so I thought that we should try to set up a lunch with some lead time, say 4-6 weeks. We could go to China Doll and have the upper room or, perhaps, somewhere else. The upper room has the advantage of being private for showing/talking knives without alarming the neighbors.

Walk in the Light,
Fuller and Walker, I liked China Doll also and its very convenient for me. Just name the time.


who dares, wins

sounds good, I've been at work long enough that they'll let me take a lonmg lunch.

I like my women like I like my knives: strong, sharp, well-formed and pattern-welded!
Had lunch at China Doll today. They asked that we have at least 6 people to qualify for the upper room. Let's see if we can get that many.

Walk in the Light,
From: Ivan8883@aol.com 6-15-99 650 PM EDT I would like to join you guys down in DC. I am out in Brunswick Maryland and am retired. Let me know and I could take ccmmuter train down in morning . Ivan
I missed a lunch? This is number two, eh...I suspect that I'll miss this one too. Can we try for a DC dinner at some point? I hate to miss out on things like this.
Hugh -
I regret missing the last lunch, but work often pops up on very short notice.
That being said, can you start us off with a few possible dates to consider? Sounds like you are thinking week of the 19th or 26th. If you have preferences, let us know, it's better to plan way ahead than try to fit something in later. Besides, I need time to get an anvil case to carry my swords on the Metro...

Always store beer in a dark place.

OK, guys, can we set a date? How about Wednesday, 7/21 or 7/28?

For those who don't know, the China Doll is right across the street from the Chinatown entrance to the Gallery Place Metro Station. This station services the Yellow, Green, and Red Lines, as well as the MCI Center. If you haven't seen it, the Discovery Store there is worth a visit and a great place to take kids, as it is also a museum.

Walk in the Light,
Hugh, either date works for me.

Larry, how do you like the Supertool? I thought you were clintonsucks but wasn't sure so I didn't ask.


who dares, wins

Either date, but Noon, or a little earlier, is better than 1:00.

Will Danelle be flying in again?
From:Ivan 6-17-99 725 PM EDT Either day is good for me.If I take the Metro form Shadygrove Station, is it the Metro Center where I get off at? Ivan
"The restaurant is across H St., NW, from the Chinatown exit from the Gallery Place Metro Station." (Shamelessly plagiarized from FullerH's directions to the First DC Knife Knuts Memorial Lunch at China Doll.)
Hey Charlie, love my new super tool, I keep trying to find reasons to use it, thanks. How do you loosen up the tools in the middle? Hope to see you at the lunch.
B Rgds
Ivan, you stay on the Red Line to Gallery Place Station. If you get onto the 1st car at Shady Grove, you will be at the correct end of the Gallery Place Station. Go down to the lower (Yellow/Green Line) level ad walk North. You will come up at the Chinatown entrance at 7th & H Sts. Ther restaurant is across H Street.

Walk in the Light,
Okay, may I make a reservation for 12:00 Noon on July 21, 1999 (Wednesday) at the China Doll? We need at least 5 more to get the privacy of the upper room.

Walk in the Light,