Deals for 1/12 -- Pix and awesome buys


Himalayan Imports Owner ~
Apr 5, 2005






l to r

30 inch 47 ounce Sirupati by Sher with all usual Sher features. Neem wood handle. Perfect rig. $150 YBB***** *SOLD*

15 inch 22 ounce villager Ganga Ram by Bura. Himalayan hill walnut wood handle. Sharp blade for $75 YBB. *SOLD*

14 inch 20 ounce Shivagi and Parbati BDC with Montana elk horn scrimshawed handle by best Kami in Nepal. Beautiful craftsmanship by Bura. $165 YBB*****

14 1/3 inch 24 ounce Ak Bowie by Bura. Nice horn handle. Take this workhorse home today for $95 YBB. *SOLD*

Email to get any or all.
Fingers crossed on that little GRS. Hill wallnut. I'll give this one to my Dad if I get it. He will love it.
AK Bowie for 95 Bucks: that's a good deal. What with shipping costs and import duties, I don't think we'll be seeing these in the future at this price.

I see the Kamis have gone Scrimshaw crazy. That's good!

Nice stuff! I have a twin of that BGRS from the SWKK, and have incorrectly listed the wood as satisal all this time. I didn't stop to think about it, as it clearly does not look the same. Very nice knife.

And the work on these handles is just getting better and better...

I just wanted to post... :D

For once I'm here early enough to buy something... my luck there wasn't kermabit or BDC up for grabs... :)

That is a pretty scrimshaw handle!!!

Nice grab on the GRS Aproy.

munk said:
AK Bowie for 95 Bucks: that's a good deal. What with shipping costs and import duties, I don't think we'll be seeing these in the future at this price.

it's very nifty, and tempting too, but yangdu came through and got me a neem kobra (very sweet that neem), so unless i win big on ebay, but budget has a cap for now. soon perhaps a kerambit or a foxy folly (sweet sweet curves).

but after seeing this:

i'm liking the look of that sheath a lot, and that blade, all those "groove" channels - sexay - unless that's a trick of the light?

so, someone buy that bad boy. it's making my eyes cross :>

I know... but it is a fancy one (pretty though). It is just too pretty (and more than my budget allows) for me right now. I'm beginning to drool over the AK Bowie.... I better get back to work before I buy something :)

Haven't gotten confirmation yet. Fingers crossed. Norm, I have two Chandan that are so different in color and grain that I had to check how they were listed. I wonder...
Bladite said:
it's very nifty, and tempting too, but yangdu came through and got me a neem kobra (very sweet that neem), so unless i win big on ebay, but budget has a cap for now. soon perhaps a kerambit or a foxy folly (sweet sweet curves).

but after seeing this:

i'm liking the look of that sheath a lot, and that blade, all those "groove" channels - sexay - unless that's a trick of the light?

so, someone buy that bad boy. it's making my eyes cross :>


Bladite, the one on the site is the old model. Not too many of those around anymore. Munk has one and a few other folks as well. Notice the deeper fullers and the different handle taper on the one shown on the site as compared to this one.

These are still great knives, and $95 is about 60% of the price they used to go for a couple of years ago. Excellent deal.


that sirupate is a beauty

& I'd be very surprised if it doesn't balance upright
if you put a support under the curve of the edge
about halfway from the bolster to the top bend.

whoever gets it,
let us know
pix preferred :D

I have a 25" kobra that balances
& it makes for a nice way to show it off.

mine didn't quite balance until I started a project on the blade
Never have gotten back to that to finish it.

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Svashtar said:
Bladite, the one on the site is the old model. Not too many of those around anymore. Munk has one and a few other folks as well. Notice the deeper fullers and the different handle taper on the one shown on the site as compared to this one.

These are still great knives, and $95 is about 60% of the price they used to go for a couple of years ago. Excellent deal.


ah, good to know about the old vs new...

$95 is indeed sweet, but not in the budget today. someday :)

Man I told mtself I wouldn,t buy for a while and that my next would be a fairly small Sirupati . When I saw that big one I was glad to see it was sold ! It might have gone to me instead .
AK BOwie,
I just got a bowie on a previous sale...sweeet. Makes me wander the yard looking for some choppin to do ;) makes the neighbors nervous, tho

Oddly enough even though I want a 30' sirupate,this one didn't "grab" me like the 25' Chitlang last week did.....strange! anyway I hope whoever nabbed it has fun! :D just watch your swing...that could de-limb a person! :eek: