Deals for 1/23 -- Pix and four beauties


Himalayan Imports Owner ~
Apr 5, 2005



L to r

18 inch 30 ounce BDC by Bura. Hill walnut wood handle. Superb rig for $145 YBB. *SOLD*

18 inch 20 ounce Chainpuri by Sher with all the Sher usual steller features.
$85 deivered. *SOLD*

9 inch 6 ounce world's biggest little Khukuri by Sgt. Khadka. Walnut wood handle. $35 YBB.

15 inch 19 ounce Pen Knife by Bura. Black walnut wood handle. Great work by master Kami. $135 YBB***** *SOLD*

Email to get any or all.
Email sent on 18" chainpuri

I don't think that is a BDC. It looks like a 15" Pen Knife.

Yangdu, I think that last one should read Pen knife and not BDC.

I am all over this one guys, but after buying that big 30" siru the other day and then really going out on a limb to take in that beautiful Sgt. khadka chiruwa special a day or two later, I am tapped out.

Someone else grab that big BDC quick...

email for : 9 inch 6 ounce world's biggest little Khukuri by Sgt. Khadka. Walnut wood handle. $35 YBB:D

Done deal will ship ship today :thumbup: :thumbup: :D

Somebody grab that 18 inch 30 ounce BDC before I really get in trouble :D :(

Very nice looking Walnut handle on that BDC!!!
I love it when Norm's depleted himself upon the shores of khukuris collection history.... what a noble effort, what dedication, what attention to God, the only thing missing is the man needs a sponser!!

Seriously, someday Norm will be the one with the brain worth picking about what models happened when, and what HI was doing at the time. (because I'm sure as Hel- not going to be able to remember all these khuks)

He's a good guy and every time he makes a strike I laugh a little bit.

so, as that's the first chainpuri to catch my eye (ow ow ow), could someone compare and contrast (as they said in grae school): chitlangi, sirupati, kobra, and chainpuri?

to my eye, they mostly appear about the same... need more pictures - all lined up... to my understanding, chitlangi is more heavy/sturdy/choppy than sirupati which is lighter/all-duty than kobra which very definitely lighter and not for all-duty... don't know where chainpuri fits in as yet.

beauties all there.

Bladite said:
could someone compare and contrast (as they said in grae school): chitlangi, sirupati, kobra, and chainpuri?

to my understanding, chitlangi is more heavy/sturdy/choppy than sirupati which is lighter/all-duty than kobra which very definitely lighter and not for all-duty... don't know where chainpuri fits in as yet.

beauties all there.


Bladite it should be...


According to weight for same sized models with the Kobra being the lightest. But they could conceivably all change, dayumed kamis anyway.:grumpy: ;) :D

I would have said it was:

Kobra 18" ~18oz
Chainpuri 18" ~20oz
Sirupati 18" ~21oz
Chitlangi 18" ~22oz

At least as of late. Don't have any of these in 18" and there is so much variation in weights that you just gotta go for looks. (Chitlangi probably the purtiest...) :)

okay, now we have several orderings by weight...

what the ordering by work class? ie: fighter/grass/no-to-light-chopping only to BRING IT ON/AK level?

I would have thought eswartz list right...The Kamis do go their own ways. I hate it when someone asks me to choose between a Chitlangi and a Sirupate.

Bladite said:
okay, now we have several orderings by weight...

what the ordering by work class? ie: fighter/grass/no-to-light-chopping only to BRING IT ON/AK level?


My bad, I should have made it more clear. I listed them in the weights they should be by all rights and everything being equal, but like I said, "Dayumed kamis anyway.:grumpy: ;) :D "

Eswartz just confirmed what I was saying in that they are all over the place weight wise.
Hope someone takes that Pen Knife. I believe it is the first non-Villager 15" Pen Knife offered. And it looks lighter than the three 15" village pen knives prior to this.

Can I have the 15" 19oz Pen knife.Will you bill me in the usual manner.Thank you.Solomis
munk said:
I love it when Norm's depleted himself upon the shores of khukuris collection history.... what a noble effort, what dedication, what attention to God, the only thing missing is the man needs a sponser!!

Seriously, someday Norm will be the one with the brain worth picking about what models happened when, and what HI was doing at the time. (because I'm sure as Hel- not going to be able to remember all these khuks)

He's a good guy and every time he makes a strike I laugh a little bit.


A sponsor! That's it! I'll get mello-yellow or some Daytona outfit to sponsor me in khukuri sharking competitions. They provide the $ and I'll provide the fast fingers on the keyboard. (I get to keep the knives of course.) Sounds like a plan, and will also serve to stop things like today's dilemma: a very nice new knife in a new size and no money to buy!

As for the history stuff, I used to be able to keep track of things fairly easily, but as more and more models keep flooding in I'm getting overwhelmed. Pretty soon it's going to be the new knife of the week when Murali gets going and Kumar gets back up to full speed.


P.S. "depleted himself upon the shores of khukuris collection history!" Now _that's_ one great turn of phrase Munk. I have to remember that one.
eswartz said:

I would have said it was:

Kobra 18" ~18oz
Chainpuri 18" ~20oz
Sirupati 18" ~21oz
Chitlangi 18" ~22oz

At least as of late. Don't have any of these in 18" and there is so much variation in weights that you just gotta go for looks. (Chitlangi probably the purtiest...) :)


Eric, technically you're right I guess, but perception is reality, and the balance and fullered blade of the chitlangis seems to make them feel lighter than the sirupatis to me, so I would switch #'s 3 and 4 on your list. I have weighed chitlangis and sirupatis of the same length and weight (18" and 22 oz. and 25" and 34 oz.) on the same scale and in each case you would swear the chit weighs less when you hold it even though the scale says they are twins.

I have an 18" villager chainpuri and a 19" one in horn, but I agree there was something special about this one. Really sleek and fast looking, and with a nice handle. Maybe it's just the angle at which the picture was taken? But also could be that it's by Sher, when practically all of them from last year were by Kumar.

Some nice looking knives today.
I was out and about this afternoon and this evening, and sorta glad I missed em.
Mighty tempting lot today.
Congrats you guys whom got em.

Norm, I see what you are saying, makes sense to me. I didn't think of that. I defer to your greater experience, as I do Yvsas.

I seem to like the look of Sher's stuff. One of the first Khukuris I bought was a Sher Malla that looks better to me than almost any others I've seen.
Email sent re Pen Knife.. Cannot believe it has not been grabbed!

(note to self - write 100 times "must reduce debt");)

Damn - missed the request by solomis:confused:
Ah well..
When the Sharks turn Pro with major corporation sponsers we're all in big trouble.

Yangdu has really pushed HI into the future. What nice blades, new models and variations.
