Deals for 4/4 --Pix, Falcata, Teardrop Khukuri and usual great buys

He was subcontracting on the little bowies I think even on the first and best batch.

I think he still makes knives now and then for HI but he's not actually in the shop.

I think a few others are that way now also. Guess it's pretty hard to keep the good guys in the shop.
At least auntie manages to get great stuff for us one way or another. Always up to snuff or not at all too.
Boys and girls, the Bowie set on this thread arrived here at the house about an hour ago and I feel like the luckiest man alive!
Bless Yangdu for sending it to my house instead of work as usual. I would have had to suffer till Monday to see them.
I'm feeling a might poorly today for some reason, so I'll post some pictures and better info after awhile but let me tell you they both are near perfect.

The large one is a BEAST, but they made the handle perfectly proportioned to the size and weight of the blade, feels like it was made just for my hand seriously.
The lines of this big ole knife are beyond gorgeous. I love the gentle curve of the cutting edge. Some prefer straight for ease of sharpening but this thing looks so cool I'd not want it changed a bit.

I'm also so glad I didn't try to leave the little MMB by Anil to save a buck. I was curious and Anil has serious talent. His workmanship on this little knife is outstanding. The way the handle is installed, rivets set are perfect. The ends are perfectly round and perfectly flush. That was one weakness with the Min knives although he much improved in some of his later knives.
Every bit as good as Bhakta in my opinion.
One thing I didn't notice from the pictures is that he made the handle very slender top to bottom. About the same thickness width wise but more slender. It feels very good in proportion to the blade. Wife called it very manageable.
The really huge bonus is that it fits perfectly (and I mean not close but perfectly) in both right and left hand sheaths that Pugs made for me so it's ready for daily carry right out of the box. I need to work the edge a bit, not real sharp but won't take much to cure that.

Color me one very happy camper today, a little sick but still happy.

More pics and info after I get to feeling a bit better.
Well I got some pictures took but photobucket seems to be in a disagreeable mood. I shall try again after a bit.
Well B'man if you ever tire of that beautiful little MMB, let me know, I'd gladly take it off your hands.
Haha and I was gonna say if you ever decide you'd like it scary sharp, you know where to send it! I gotta get me a "spare" micro bowie
Well B'man if you ever tire of that beautiful little MMB, let me know, I'd gladly take it off your hands.

If memory serves your a big guy. I fear this little bowie would disappear in your hand. It is a sweetheart though for a smaller hand.

I'd love scary sharp SG but I have this lingering fear I'd never see it again. No idea where that comes from other than I've had a few other folks knives pass by and it was painfully hard to send them back sometimes.

I'll see if photobucket wants to play today. It used to be so simple and easy, after the improvement not so much.
I think I need a new picture program.
Well for some reason it appears my photos downloaded but it said download failed. But they are there. Aww technology.
So I'll attempt to post. Fingers crossed, Advil on hand.

A group shot. The new Beast on top, my 10'' Bhakta, the new Anil MMB, my sons unmessed with 2nd generation Bhakta MMB, and my 1st generation MMB that I put the Elk handles on.
You can see the immenseness and beauty of the Lachu. Also shows the slimness of the handle on the Anil. Quite nice.

A good shot of the Beast. Lovely fullers, excellent polish job and good angle of how the handle is appropriate for the knife size.

This one shows the gentle curve of the blade and rear view of the handle. I'll do a little cleaning on the handle but a fun and easy task and not much really needed.

Where's the beef? You can see how thick this puppy is behind the cho. It's a full half inch at the front of the handle, tapering back through the handle.

A close up of the 3 MMB's. Note lack of cho on the new Anil. Being as this is not a traditional Nepal knife and not a khukri, I don't miss it. I actually find it quite appealing although the cho is usually a great conversation piece. Seems every time there's a show and tell for knives the first question asked is whats that? (cho) then the lessons begin.

Another angle of the group. Apparently photobucket didn't download the rest of the little bowie pictures. I'll have to try again I guess.

It tapers down through the handle to almost nothing at the butt. Considerably thinner than the first or second generation IBB's. Again it's a good thing but I like it either way. It's kind of deceiving, the handle above the sheath would not be what one would expect of a blade this size. I couldn't be happier with both of these and hope Anil keeps up the excellent work and makes more so we can all have one. I'm so happy to have a backup that fits my IBBB sheaths perfectly. I can mix and match so to speak.
Bawanna, very nice pictures and a great tutorial. I've read of the differences and tried to compare them by switching screens back and forth. While I could detect the major differences, I saw none of the subtleties. Your side be side comparison and comments make it all perfectly clear. Great job, I certainly appreciate, if only for the pictures of the knives alone. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
hmmm, it seems either my last post got lost by the forum, or just as likely these days, I fell asleep in the middle of typing and never hit post :D Dang this getting old stuff is not pleasant. But they are gonna have to drag me to it kicking and screaming and making use of whatever sharp objects happen to be handy. And in my world that is a LOT of objects so I am NOT going quietly.

So anyways, I was truly happy to see Bawanna able to give such a great home to these 2 Bowies and BigBore to the other 2 gorgeous items on this list. Both of you have got a couple of incredible and unique blades to add to their collections. Now BB, he has gotten 2 of the more unique blades I have seen in quite a while and that carved sheath is just as much a work of art as that blade and vice versa. There can be no doubt that those 2 are a real "find" and at those prices I would call them a bargain and a half. I just know (since his taste and mine seems to be so similar in so many areas) that he is going to really love having those 2 as a part of his collection. But Bawanna's while they appear slightly more "standard" are actually quite gorgeous specimens that are unique in their own right as his pictures demonstrate so well. The Large Bowie even appears like it will benefit from Mr B's particular skills with wood working. I bet the entire package is awesome the way it is right now. But I know he won't stand by without doing just a little "cleanup" of the scales to make them grip your hand back and shake it every time you pickup that blade and make you just want to hold it even when you aren't using it. I can't wait to see what he has in store for it and also look forward to hearing what BB thinks of his new acquisitions once he has them in hand.
Oh Bawanna, no need to worry about that one. Now if you sent your Elk Bowie my way...well you might have to cross some fingers :)

I'm still on the quest for a chunk of wood big enough to use for new AKB handles. Then it might be destined for a group shot with yours? Guess we'll see. The horn is so nice and shiny but I like wood much more for both look and feel.

That big Lachhu AKB looks awesome though. And a definite sister blade to mine by the look and specs!
I don't think I could part with the Elk bowie, it would have to be a do it while I wait sort of thing. I love that knife and it goes with me everywhere always.
I got extremely lucky on that handle, it worked out perfect. I've pondered doing others but the handle size and the horn size never seem to be quite right.
Guess it's always a gamble and for once I just got really lucky on that one.
That's exactly how I feel about my lil Bowie. Lucky I only had it a little while before I sent it to you, or I don't think it would have ever left.

Oh well, just crossing my fingers I get to check it out in person one day!