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Does anyone know the story on Mark? (MJS)


Gold Member
Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0
Oct 5, 1998
As most of us know, Mark has "left" the internet knife business. I can sometimes, get him to reply to my emails, but for the most part, he's abandoned the whole thing all together.
I trust Mark, and know he isn't a thief, but I wonder if he's still taking care of people here at BFC. He's had $262 of mine for over 6 months...it was for the first stonewashed, plain edge, L-CC D/A that came though his door, but I have yet to see one. He says that they are not yet available to him, and that as soon as they are, I'll get mine. I have also been trying to get an answer on when I can get a SW M/A, and he keeps beating around the bush. All I want is for him to be straight with me...that's all I've ever wanted. If anyone knows his situation up there, please, email me. I want to understand what it is that changed Mark. I've stood up for him since day one, and taken quite a beating for it on several occasions, and it looks like I'm the fool. Has anyone gotten a SW plain edge D/A from him? I had 3 reserved, but as of now, nothing has turned up. Are people still waiting on orders, or has he sent the knives fairly recently? I don't want this to be a negative thread...we've seen enough of those lately, I just want to understand what happened, and get some feelings from the other TRUE MJS customers / friends. Thanks.

Edit: BTW, don't get me wrong, I'm not at all worried about losing my money, or not getting the knife...I'm afraid I've lost far more than the value of any knife, as I considered Mark to be a very close friend, reguardless of the distance between us.


[This message has been edited by Jackyl (edited 11-20-2000).]
Jackyl...ya mentioned the beating ya took for sticking up for Mark. I even gave ya a little crap about it
Anyways, seriously, you trusted him, and did a great thing by sticking up for a friend you belive in. I do hope that you get either your money or your knives...but most of all, I do hope he is able to keep your trust.

icq 61363141
Just some knife pictures
I have no trouble getting stonewashed LCC/MAs or LCC/DAs.

Chief’s Cutlery Authorized Microtech Dealer
Jackyl;I had a not so impressive deal with him,but I never came foward because he had a good rep here at bladeforums.I really don't like to get involved in mud slinging,but since it was your original high recommendations that even made me consider doing business with him,and your now asking for feed back,I thought I'd share it with you(even though it isn't a recent experience that your looking for). Although my experience was anything but recent,I'll share it with you.My first deal with him wasn't what I had expected,considering the great praise he had earned.This was long before any trouble surfaced on the Good,Bad & Ugly.I was so impressed with the great feedback he had from so many people,I had some knives of cosiderable value to trade.I e-mailed him a couple of times inquiring and received quick responses,and a deal was soon struck.Soon my knives were on their way to him via UPS.If memory serves me correctly,he had e-mailed me a week or two after receiving the knives with a figure finally of about $700.00 to $800.00 of trade value to him.We exchanged numerous e-mails,and finally I decided what I wanted.He agreed and it involved a few knives including a couple of Hubertus auto's.A few day's later I was informed that the Hubertus I wanted that he had in stock and already promised me,was sold to someone else,because "it was a deal, he just couldn't pass up".Then the wait began;a couple of weeks went by,the promise of getting the hubertus's back in stock went unfufilled.Finally,being the impatient person I was,I asked for three or four silver bladed MOD Auto's in place of the other knives I wanted.He agreed and said he would order them.Another couple of weeks later( E-mail communications getting worse now)He said the blades were in but they were black blades,not the silver blades version I was interested in,by this time I was getting really annoyed.I didn't expect this transaction to take a month.I decided to make another attempt to get knives I wanted.I asked for something else and awaited a response.Finally after a couple of e-mails with the Subject heading ATTENTION MARK,hopefully getting him to respond to my e-mails,he agreed to my knives I wanted since the last two trade deals fell to the wayside by no fault of my own.Then the real waiting began,I can't remember every detail tha happened after that,only that I sent numerous e-mails that went unanswered.By this time about three months had passed and I seriously had my doubt's,that I would be seeing any knives or cash to settle this deal.I was quite upset,especially considering the great position that MJ&S knives held here with the forums members.I was considering posting about my experience,to get some action going,but I didn't want to tarnish his otherwise flawless conduct as an internet dealer.I finally had a nuff,I bombarded him with e-mails to try to accertain what he actually had in stock.After numerous attempts,he finally e-mailed me what he had in stock.Unimpressed with what he had,but just finally so disgusted with the whole situation,I finally accepted a few auto's that he had,even though they didn't interest me.At this point,I would accept anything to avoid just totally being ripped off.He agreed and probably a week or two later I received my shipment of Cr*p in a box.The one piece I got had scratched up bolsters and generally I was not impressed with the condition of the supposedly NIB Auto.The others I received were okay,at least for Benchmade auto's anyway.I have to say that this was my worst experience over the internet.I had far more private dealings with fellow formites here at the forums that were 1,000 times more honorable and above board than my deal from hell with Mark.Like I said earlier,I don't like to sling mud,but since your the one asking Jackyl,I had to share my feelings.To be quite honest,it feels good to finally speak about this horrific experience,and get rid of this festering wound of mine.Thanks for letting me vent,(long overdue)Even though I got screwed though,I do feel bad for Mark,he went from the most highly respected dealer here at the forums to a total crash and burn.A real shame really.Best Regards,Ralph
I'm terribly sorry if I've misled ANYONE!!! I feel awful, as I was probably the most vocal about it. Yet another lesson learned on the forum...that's all the good I can gather from it.

TOMBSTONE, I'm sorry to hear about your bad deal, but I'm glad you finally got to get it off your chest. I can't imagine how if felt, trying to hold back your frusterations, because you were getting ripped off my a man with such a good rep. here on the forums. I would probably have exploded by now. It took quite a bit for me to come here about it...but I'm glad I have, and I owe you all an apoligy. I stuck up for him, because I was having, flawless, multiple transactions with Mark, including buying, selling, trading, and having him sell things for me at the show. Reguardless of what a few people claimed, I still couldn't believe that Mark was anything less than the best, because of the stories I was told. None the less, I was appearently wonrg, and for that I apologize. I'll keep you all updated, for what it's worth.

P.S. Thanks for the words Richard...they mean a lot to me.

Oh no,by no means should you blame yourself Jackyl.I hope my post did not give you that impression.Many people held him in a high regard,but you were only relating the wonderful experiences you had with him,nothing wrong with that.Mark is the one that let everyone down,some terrible things obviously happended in his life to make matters worse.This incident with me happened long before the most recent catastrophes in his life,so I don't have an anwser as to why my experience was so bad at that point in time.At least I got something out of the deal,so that it wasn't a total wash,even though it was still very unfulfilling.Please don't blame yourself Jackyl,each person is solely responsible for their own actions.Best Regards,Ralph
Thanks man, I know. I didn't really take that from your post, it just made me feel bad, that's all. Take care.

Okay, that makes me feel better,I didn't want you to feel guilty about things you have no control over.I feel bad for you,because Mark really let you down,and you have been so supportive of him through thick and thin.It makes me sad too,cause it seemed you were a good friend to him and he let you down. Bronco,Thanks for the chuckle-
It happens I suppose, it's not the first time, nor the last. I just feel like Mark owes us all an explaination for his actions. If he wants to quit the business, that's fine, but he needs to square up all ends before doing so.

Throughout this whole mess, I kept quiet because I felt Mark was a great guy and was eventually going to come through. However, throughout his whole dealer career, his service has gone downhill. I remember when I first started collecting, he was very kind and fast to respond. He would respond in the matter of minutes. Now, he never returns any emails and fails to fulfill his obligations. Sometimes I doubt his practices towards procuring knives. He would be quick to post and enter new knives, but he would continually use excuses to strech the time limit. For instance is with the BM42. I know this knife is hard to get being an internet dealer and having such a great demand, but c'mon, he's been telling me that he'll get them in next week each time I email him. Its been so long that I just gave up hope in him. After he came back from his family tragedy, I thought he would redeem himself and prove us all wrong. However, as it shows, he can never be what he used to be.


My collection
UPDATE: Well, I got my answer this morning via email. I almost wish I didn't know the truth. I understand now, what Mark is going through, and I feel terrible. I promised it would stay between us, and I intend to keep that promise, but please understand, Mark is having a really hard time. It looks like it's all over for him, so no one else should have a bad experience. Anyway, I got what I was looking for, and that, is that. Thanks for your comments.

Everyone has hard times,but you do not take it to your business.Life is hard and it has lots of ups and downs.BUT the bottom line,you do not take someones money and do not carry through.It is fraud.Very simple.You say you are going to do something and you don't.FRAUD.
I do not care how much of a hard time someone is having they should take care of obligations.


have a"knife"day
I am in the same boat. I have had a 250 dollar order placed for almost a couple months now, and granted i have gotten a couple emails from Mark, nothing promising. I have read eveyone's praise of him, and have decided not to cancel my order, as i know how tough things can get. on the other hand, the whole thing's getting old, and i agree that his personal life should not take such a toll on the service industry that he is in.
Tombstone, I'm really glad you decided to share your experience with MJ&S with everyone here on the forums.

Jackyl, I totally agree with what you said: "It happens I suppose, it's not the first time, nor the last. I just feel like Mark owes us all an explaination for his actions. If he wants to quit the business, that's fine, but he needs to square up all ends before doing so." Very well said. But don't get me wrong, I have not made any orders with this guy ever; I just liked what Jackyl said.

Bronco, that was a good one!!!
I've dealt with Mark on several occasions and always had good service, and through talking with him many times I always felt that he was a A#1 stand up guy.
Now I know things have changed here not sure of the details, but it must have been a hard time if its affected Mark this way.
Can someone fill us in as much as possible ?
Is he still in business ? etc..

....and sharper than any twoedged sword ...
Heb 4:12