dwr318-Good, Airborne Express IS NOT!!


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Feb 12, 2002
Package received!! I received a VERY POORLY HANDLED package today from AIRBORNE EXPRESS. :mad: :barf: :mad:

I had a trade with dwr318(David)...my LNIB Emerson LaGriffe plus $25 for his NIB Spyderco Dyad. I have emailed him and posted for him to contact me via the Bladeforums trade thread. It's been two days since I received the email that he says contains the delivery confirmation/tracking number with Airborne Express, without any contact from him since. I kept my end of the deal by shipping the LaGriffe and US Postal Money Order the same day that he supposedly sent off the Dyad.

The problem.....I contacted Airborne Express today, due to the tracking number not showing up on their website. As it turns out, there is NO record of any shipment that is enroute to me from David's zip code, much less a package with his name as the sender.

David, I know that you frequent the Bladeforums quite a bit....mainly in the Knife Exchange forum. I would suggest that you make this trade good, or it will get bad for you, my friend. This post exposing you as a fraud, here at the GBU, would only be the beginning.

I will give you a chance to redeem yourself and make this trade good....if I don't receive any communication by Friday afternoon, then further actions will be taken.
Hummm I guess the next step would be posting an address and maybe ph #?
All in due time, Jeff. I'm going to give him a little less than 24 hours to respond. He was online here at the BF Knife Exchange a little earlier, but still no reply via Dyad trade thread, email, etc..
Please keep us informed.

I don't keep a list, but I'm ninety percent sure I had a flawless trade with him a while back. Hopefully this turns out well for you.
As mentioned above, I received the NIB Dyad today in a very poorly handled, and damaged, package from Airborne Express.

The only writing on it was my street address....no name, no city, no zip!! :mad: The shipping label was about 75% ripped off and one side of the box was punctured clear through to the bubble wrap. Fortunately, the Dyad and its' Spyderco box weren't damaged.

I highly recommend that no one use :barf: Airborne Express :barf: for any trade/sale of knives.
Changed title to reflect update.
Here are a couple of pics of the box that the Dyad was shipped in via Airborne Express. No wonder there wasn't any record of shipment.
Again, I highly recommend not using Airborne Express for any trade/sale of knives!!!



Thanks for the change, Spark.
The pix are not showing.

I've never heard of Airborne Express before ... I guess there must be some reason for that....
I would like to apologize to Mario for the bad shipping on part of Airborne Express. We have recently switched to them from UPS with great regret, obviously they are not very professional. Rest assured I will not be using them again for personal shipments.
Sheesh -- none of the advice in the packaging thread could help prevent that! Looks like the way they got it airborne was to kick it -- in relays all the way from South Carolina to Texas. I guess if you use Airborne Express a cardboard box is not going to do it -- better package your knives in steel.
Thanks for the warning.Its very good to know this deal was the fault of a bad shipping company.
Wow, that is one abused package ... :eek:

Right now I'm sending warm thoughts to my own package on the way to the US. Hope it holds. Knife -> video box -> cardboardbox, crumpled newpapers inside all. A mile of tape. Still, it'll break if you want it to ...

I guess one should always write the complete shipping adress on the box itself, in addition to the label? Hell, one should probably write it inside, too. And on any box inside, as well.

From the reactions here, I presume this is not all that common?
Originally posted by AB
I guess one should always write the complete shipping adress on the box itself, in addition to the label? Hell, one should probably write it inside, too. And on any box inside, as well.
To be safe, you should tape over the address label with clear tape to prevent it getting shredded or smeared. It's not a bad idea to put a piece of paper with the address inside the box, too.
I always put a packing list inside the box with addresses and phone numbers for the sender and recipient. If the box or label is destroyed there is still hope for the contents IF the shipping company is conscientious. I wonder what the damaged shipment policy is for the various companies? Will they open a box to look for an address?

BTW, Airborne express has a customer service section on their website here. Has anyone contacted them to ask why they give knife shippers such lousy service?
It's been two days since I received the email that he says contains the delivery confirmation/tracking number with Airborne Express, without any contact from him since.

KBR, I'm glad it all worked out in the end for you. However, I am kind of surprised that you decided to issue an ultimatum to dwr318 after you did not receive any e-mail contact from him for >only< 2 days.

Just my opinion, but it seems like 2 days is a bit soon to be freaking out about someone's lack of communication via e-mail - after all, stuff happens. E-mail goes down, people go on travel, family emergencies come up, power goes out due to winter weather, etc.

Best thing to do, before shipping out anything on a trade, is to get the other party's phone number and verify the number - either with a phone call, or through a reverse phone number lookup via the web. That way, if you can't get through to the other party via e-mail, you have a phone number to try.

Again, I'm glad it all worked out for all parties. I just wish that you hadn't been so quick to bring dwr318's character into question :(

I have been typing the addys of both parties up, and using clear packing tape to secure them to the front of the box. Along with a few miles of tape on the seams.

So far it works, and I picked it up from Linda "Glasshartt" on her packages to me. If any problems happen to my packages(either way), I'll be getting a copy of the addys added inside too.
Originally posted by Starfish,
KBR, I'm glad it all worked out in the end for you. However, I am kind of surprised that you decided to issue an ultimatum to dwr318 after you did not receive any e-mail contact from him for >only< 2 days.

Starfish, I'd like to ask that you read this statement from my first post in this thread....
The problem.....I contacted Airborne Express today, due to the tracking number not showing up on their website. As it turns out, there is NO record of any shipment that is enroute to me from David's zip code, much less a package with his name as the sender.

As you can see, I believe that I had every right to assume the worst because of the shipment not showing up anywhere in the Airborne Express computer network. ;) Why didn't it show up in the system? I don't know, I suppose that the label being ripped off had alot to do with it. How did it manage to get here? I sure as heck don't know. :confused: