ebay problem, need help

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Nov 2, 2001
guys, i know we all know ebay sucks, but i still use it occasionally
today i got an email saying that they tried to charge my credit card they had on file, but they couldnt because it was declined and that i needed to submit a new card.
i havent sold anything in over a month, and my account balance is zero, so i want to know what the hell they were trying to charge me for, i looked through their help section for an email address or telephone number, but its a goddamn joke.

so does anybody have an email address or phone number for customer service at ebay?

any help is appreciated!
I think it may be a scam, I have heard of places that harvest your email address from ebay, then send you fake messages to get you to give them your CC #.

Call you CC company and see if they declined ebay, they should know.
Are you sure that email was really from ebay? Sounds like a scam to get credit card numbers.

Whatever you do, never reply to any email asking for your credit card number. Don't give it to anybody who calls you on voice phone and asks for it either, no matter who they say they are.

If by some wild chance somebody you deal with really does need it you can go to their website or you can call them -- not following the link the scammer gives you or calling the number he tells you to call or sending email to the address he gives you. You find out how to get in touch with them and make sure it's really them you're sending your credit card number to.

I can't imagine ebay ever asking you to email your credit card number. If they need it they'll give you a secure webpage with strong encryption -- email is not secure enough for a major company to use for that. If they did and somebody hacked into their email account he could get thousands of credit card numbers -- saving a few bucks on setting up a secure webpage is not worth that risk.
heh, well i went back and clicked on the link that came with it where i was supposed to enter my new credit card number, and its definetaly fake heres the email contents.

Dear Ebay Member,
Recently we attempted to authorize payment from your credit card we have on file for you, but it was declined.
For security purposes, our system automatically removes credit card information from an account when there
is a problem or the card expires.
Please resubmit the credit card, and provide us with new and complete information.
To resubmit credit card information via our secure server, click the following link,
login to your account and resubmit your information:

This is the quickest and easiest method of getting credit card information to us.
Using the secure server will ensure that the credit card will be placed on account within 24 hours.

when i click on the link it sends me here :
which doesnt even work anyway so its not like i could give them my number if i wanted to.
not that i had any intention of giving them or ebay for that matter a new goddamn credit card number as my old one works just fine.
i just asked because my dad was the one who got the email and apparently everything i say has no merit until it is backed up by other people.
i just asked because my dad was the one who got the email and apparently everything i say has no merit until it is backed up by other people.

Sheesh -- show him this thread, but don't stop there or he'll just get ripped off some other way. Take his credit cards away from him -- better take away his checkbook, too, and don't let him leave the house with more cash than he can afford to lose to the first swindler he meets that day.... :rolleyes:

Oops, almost forgot the most important protection -- cancel his ebay account!
coug, no need to worry, the man couldnt even bid on something on ebay if he wanted to!!
thats exactly why i have to help him do everything on the internet.

in real life he wouldnt be this easily fooled, but sit him down in front of a computer screen and hes lost:confused:

poor old people:D
This has also been a scam that people use to get your pay-pal info. Be very wary of this kind of e-mail. BTW, I clicked on the first link, and it looks just like an authentic e-bay page. Could easily fool somebody.


Edited to add: I just looked at your first link, and it does appear to be an authentic link to e-bay. I copied that link, and compared it to e-bay's official sign-in page, and the link address was identical. Still, something sounds fishy. Don't know why you were sent to your second link though.
The hyperlink in the email looks like it's to an ebay page but it actually sends you somewhere else. If you copy the email to your clipboard and paste it in here you only paste the apparent link and not the real hyperlink. That fools some people because some people don't look at the location line in their browser; in fact some people set up their browser preferences so they can't even see it.

You won't be able to paste any mailbugs or webbugs in here either -- that's one reason Bladeforums no longer allows html in posts. (You can still do just about anything you might legitimately want to by using vBulletin code, but that doesn't allow anything abusive.)

BTW, you can post hyperlinks here but only by using vBulletin code; you can't paste in an html hyperlink and have it work here.