EDC XI Which knife or knives are you carrying today?

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B bladeboss
I was going to try to show you what had happened; but noparse tags apparently don't work with the new system.
Basically, you had the same share link posted 3 times, with an alternative version thown in for good measure...so 4 links, with the IMG and URL tags messed up in all of them (some were doubled, many were in the wrong place). You might want to cancel the Rich Text Editor when you're pasting IMG codes, so you can review what they look like before submitting. Makes it pretty easy to see what's messed up, and delete the extraneous crap.

**Edited to add - looking at it again, I'm guessing that you tried it twice. It was a jumbling of the IMG and URL codes that messed things up...but easy enough to sort out once actually looking at the code itself (and I'm not particularly good with computer stuff).
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This is the Kizer Assist, a collaboration with Justin Gingrich, and that is the last time I'm going to use it's full name.


And presentation side


Kizer puts some thoughtful extras in with the box, including two extra back spacer screws, a cleaning cloth, and the little storage pouch. I'm not a big fan of digicam, but I like it, otherwise.


It arrived yesterday, and I wanted to do a fast photo shoot with it while it's still pristine, because I'm looking forward to taking it to work tonight, and getting it dirty. :D

I'm going to take proper pictures over the weekend, and write a review, if I feel like it. If it's good, I might even post it.

My initial impression is that it's slightly smaller than I was expecting, and very light. The pocket clip seems pretty stout, and overall quality is very good. The seam where the back spacer meets the slabs is tight on both sides, and the bevel grind is perfectly symmetrical, as far as I can tell. I'll have a closer look later, and see if I can spot any mistakes.
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