EDC XIII Which knife or knives are you carrying today?

Figs and scotch were in a final scene of a MASH episode. Actually fig newtons. Potter picked up a newton and dunked it in scotch while talking to Hawkeye. Something tells me you have tried fig newtons in scotch
Surprisingly I have not...but now I HAVE TO 🤣

I grew up loving MASH, but haven't watched in years. I need to remedy that. It's always held the place of one of those comfort shows for me, so perhaps I'll start watching it as my "drift off to sleep" show for a while (currently Trek)
Black G10 with red spacers

I absolutely Hate how g10 feels, I'll probably never use it as the main covering on a handle...... Ever.

I have a set of vintage G3? I think???
I'm saving it for a preferred customer, Idk who yet?
I used it once, looks great, feels better than g10. Less plasticity. Not cheap.

Still sucks working with.
Idk if I will buy more? I like it, but I dont.

*Sorry, I don't make knives for money, I do it cause I like to.....
I hate working with g10. I don't care what pretty colors it comes in.
I have sensitive, itchy skin and asthma.
You aren't paying me enough.
If I Had to, it would cost Alot.

Haha..... Otherwise, I like the idea of black & red.
Thank you.

*something is being glued up tonight, hopefully I can show a finished knife this week, or so, for sale in the exchange......?