I know there are many people in our forum that are especially proud of their Edgeworks sheaths, for all of the correct reasons that make a quality product noticed. But, I've never heard anybody speak of their service, so I must do so. Like our former president once said, "Read my lips...", so I must say that this is not to offend anyone over there at Edgeworks or anyone else. I placed an order with them about 3-4 weeks ago for one of their Moran tacticals and an all-way jump sheath for one of my combat knives. I wanted to try their products, especially after speaking with Bob (aka Bald 1) about the Moran sheath. Well I emailed them and got a response, but they were on their way to the "Shot Show" and were going to try to send my order to me. Well, I waited for a week after the shot show, and no sheaths. So, I faxed them twice and they said they would get the goods out right away. Well, another week went by, nothing. So, I emailed them again at least another two times and the last one I asked if they still had any stock available on the items I wanted. They said yes, and I told them what I wanted again (I lost track of how many times I placed the order!), but I still haven't received a thing. Now, people that have dealt with me on this forum know that I'm not an unreasonable man and that I try to be a pleasant human being. Well, that's the way I was to everyone at Edgeworks, like I normally am. I haven't even become bent out-of-shape, even though they have repeatedly let me down. I don't know what it takes to get their undivided attention or to get them to send their products to me, but I DO KNOW that the way that I've been treated is not the proper way to conduct oneself when it comes to business! I'm a small business owner myself (firearms), and if this situation occured with anyone else, like a supplier of mine, they would've heard things that would make the roughest of drill sergeants blush, guaranteed! I know one thing, I never treat my customers that way, as word gets out very quickly and the repercussions can damage your business irreparably.