Everyone's latest acquisitions!

I tend to hate Spyderco knives, but DANG that looks cool!!
One of the last attempts from DocJekl DocJekl as previous knives fell short for me, for anyone else they'd have loved them all, but most ended up heading back home. This one shows promise I think. Thanks again Doc for this Kizer Invictus folder.

Untitled by GaryWGraley, on Flickr

This one came in the mail this morning. Perfect timing, as I have cardboard to process. I had trouble deciding between this or the lightweight magnacut version. But where I already have some magnacut in the stable and no cruwear, and people really seem to like the crucarta thing I figured I'd give it a go. So far I dig it.
Both sides black?????🤔

Hey James. Yes, both sides and the hardware too. The blade is not though, which is exactly how I would want it to be. Seems like DLC titanium scales always look better than ant DLC blades ever do (to me).
Out of curiosity what is it you are hunting for?
Great question, and I am afraid that it is one that has a very small chance of being answered any time soon.

But, basically
3" blade with the tip at or below the center line of the handle
no sharpening choil, would want the edge up close to the handle
Thin stock with thinness behind the edge
good steel, stainless preferably
no compression lock
no slots or holes in the blade
not a front flipper
thumbstud or back flipper ok
handle scales with some texture, not all metal/slippery

Something along those lines ;)
Great question, and I am afraid that it is one that has a very small chance of being answered any time soon.

But, basically
3" blade with the tip at or below the center line of the handle
no sharpening choil, would want the edge up close to the handle
Thin stock with thinness behind the edge
good steel, stainless preferably
no compression lock
no slots or holes in the blade
not a front flipper
thumbstud or back flipper ok
handle scales with some texture, not all metal/slippery

Something along those lines ;)

It's easier to ask what have you NOT tried yet, than what did you not like? Also, what about lock type - liner lock, frame lock, button lock, shark lock, axis-lock, etc?

EDIT - Also don't forget to add NO saber grind AND must have a way to attach a lanyard.
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It's easier to ask what have you NOT tried yet, than what did you not like? Also, what about lock type - liner lock, frame lock, button lock, shark lock, axis-lock, etc?

EDIT - Also don't forget to add NO saber grind AND must have a way to attach a lanyard.
What he said