Everyone's latest acquisitions!

what is

what is that fixed blade?
That's a Real Steel Metamorph reprofiled to 17dps for my all around edc at work.
Surprisingly it carries well in the front pocket of my Levis.
How does your Chavez flip? I had the manual version, and I found the detent to be too strong.

I'm also loving your Socom Elite. That's definitely on my radar.
The Chaves flips well using push button technique. Not "too" strong but the detent can be felt if the hand is in the wrong position.
I reprofiled this one to 17dps as well and it is insanely sharp.
Nice knife, but I would have liked a deeper carry clip.
There's a lot of handle above pocket and the abrupt back end of the handle digs into hands and wrist.
Socom Elite: Just do it. Such a smooth piece. A little on the large side if you're into that...but I did see one of the big vendor sites with a Socom Elite Mini "coming soon" advertised!
