Exciting Days at RickHindererKnives on BladeForums...

Congrats to ALL the winners.

Hope the majority of you post more often here than in the exchange, auction sites and other forum sales areas.
Gratitude for the lotteries, very generous to give a chance of awesomeness to the masses.
Yes. The BF RHK Lotteries offered by Rick and Rob afford Many the opportunity to experience the excitement of waiting and dreaming of that moment when your name/number is called. :eek:
Only difference is the internet lottery winners are spared the absent minded walk to the front of the room and the blank stare that befalls them as they gaze upon "the Table".

Good times.
Hah, ditto on that. I was only able to score a blue set. Really hoped for blue and bronze, but hey, at least i was able to get a set.
Congrats to all the winners and big shout out to RHK for offering these great lotteries:thumbup: Even though I haven't won a lottery I did finally find some Ti standoffs on the RHK website so that was like winning a small lottery. Rick and Rob thanks again. Cheers, Chad

congrats to all the lucky winners~
Congrats to ALL the winners.

Hope the majority of you post more often here than in the exchange, auction sites and other forum sales areas.

My N2K what do you mean? :confused:

Any how congrats to the winners, they are yours to do as you please, if you want to re home them there are lots of folks that would like to own one.
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My N2K what do you mean? :confused:

Any how congrats to the winners, they are yours to do as you please, if you want to re home them there are lots of folks that would like to own one.

What do I mean?

Simple. Look at winners number of posts in this section of the forum.

I'm now done with this discussion.

My thoughts are with those that need them today.
Thanks for the lottery. I got the notice of shipment a couple of hours ago. I was very shocked this morning to see that I won. I'm excited to try it out. Thanks for the opportunity and a great knife. I'll post some pictures putting it to use.

Thanks for the lottery. I got the notice of shipment a couple of hours ago. I was very shocked this morning to see that I won. I'm excited to try it out. Thanks for the opportunity and a great knife. I'll post some pictures putting it to use.


If you have any questions be sure to let us know. Have fun, Enjoy!
If you have any questions be sure to let us know. Have fun, Enjoy!

Aboslutley, again thank you. I was impressed with the speed of the transaction. I got the shipping notice within 5 minutes of the payment. That's a great first impression.
Aboslutley, again thank you. I was impressed with the speed of the transaction. I got the shipping notice within 5 minutes of the payment. That's a great first impression.

Classic Hinderer (Rick, Lori, Rob and the rest of the Team) Second to none. Top shelf all the way.
and Now .... an Amazing Knife on the way.:thumbup: