Exciting new product idea!

Speaking of which, doesn't Bill look darling in the picture with his purse? Kind of reminds me of the time I went looking for cowboy boots and saw a pair of black patent leather Tony Llamas. Only thought that hit my mind was "no polishing". Then I got home with them and realized what some might think of a "guy" who wears patent leather cowboy boots. As it turned out no-one ever commented and I quit wearing my nickeled M29 with them after the first week.

Anyway, shouldn't the bag come with crossed khukuris? Or maybe a matching belt and white scabbard(s)? Right and lefthanded? (I used to feel so unbalanced before I got my first pair of 41 mags, am assuming the same of khukuris).

Russ S
Bill, you said you've been meaning to come down to San Francisco and now I know why. Please make sure Yangdu is with you at all times especially if you're going to carry a purse and wear high heeled, patent leather, silver mounted, pointy toed, diamond crusted boots! I may even have a nice ruby velvet kothimandu khukuri for you to set off the whole ensemble.
