Fall is snarking at your door!

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The Jeep intake/exhaust manifolds, which bolt together with a gasket, had a leak because of a little .060" gap. So, they are out to the machine shop. Yay, as in, it is finally being dealt with!
A good machinist is hard to beat. Well now days I guess it's a good machine programmer is hard to beat
so when I went to pick up the truck, I noticed they had fixed the hail dents in the doors, put in the missing bed extender, and installed new tires -- all at no additional cost.
I am not disappointed with this purchase.
Hoping to head to the cabin next weekend. Been over two months since I've been there. Temps are supposed to be decent, but it's supposed to rain. I don't put much credence into week long forecasts, but still...
Hoping to head to the cabin next weekend. Been over two months since I've been there. Temps are supposed to be decent, but it's supposed to rain. I don't put much credence into week long forecasts, but still...
Does it do OK when it sits empty for that long? I've never had a place like that and am always curious about what it takes to keep it up and in shape.

Plus I'm jealous every time you say you're going, rain, or heat, or cold or whatever. Maybe if you had a significant bear problem it would be different, but short of that, I'm jealous
Does it do OK when it sits empty for that long? I've never had a place like that and am always curious about what it takes to keep it up and in shape.

Plus I'm jealous every time you say you're going, rain, or heat, or cold or whatever. Maybe if you had a significant bear problem it would be different, but short of that, I'm jealous
Yeah.. Same Same on what Dunk said.
It always gives me anxiety, wondering if everything's okay there. I always worry about it, but everything is always as I left it the time before, knock on wood. I'll mostly have a bunch of weeds to cut down, and air the cabin out.

There are bears in the area, but very rare to see. The former owner owned it for 23-24 years, and never saw one. You have to take into consideration, that we're very rarely there though.
Hmm...he has slightly less hair than I imagined...
Ya think?

how to remove all crainal hair in one easy step:
no more beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, nose hair, ear hair, or head of hair in under 30 seconds or your $$ back!
caution - may cause temporary discoloration of skin...
got my first bambi of the year tonight. :(
came over a hill and found 2 teenagers standing in the middle of the road crying.
they hit a dear and the girl was having a bad meltdown - so I tried calming them down, spoke to their mom so she could find them, and hung around until their family arrived.
then I went home and got a tool to finish it's suffering, because none of the folks who stopped had anything I could use, and I was on the way home from washing my truck so I can hand it over to the new owners tomorrow, which means I had nothing in the truck I could use.
I got a heart to kill me a snark, wit live bait or steely trap, coz me bite is worst than me bark, gonna shut down that snarkies big yap.
Beware yorn snarkie whence thee roam, danger lies not far from home.
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