Fancier's Sales Updates

They do look sexy. I like fullers when they perform their function. From past experience on res-c type blades, I'm gambling that the balance a 6" blade in .200 stock is going to be just right.

chiral.grolim chiral.grolim , I've got one coming, let me know if you pass but want to check it out.
GSO 2.7 and GSO 3.5 are still available. ;)
(Bumping the post to get the sales information to the last page.)
This is great news for anyone wanting to lock in an order, but I thought they were done with seconds and uglies now that the SK line is rolling?
This is great news for anyone wanting to lock in an order, but I thought they were done with seconds and uglies now that the SK line is rolling?
Hi Silver! I think that the new business model starts with the GSO 3.5.
We'll probably see a few seconds or uglies until they get through the backlog of 2.7, 4.1 and 7/7 models.
After that I think anything that would count as a GSO second or ugly is going to be sent off to be a SK knife instead.
I missed it too. I was thinking, "I really can't afford that right now anyway," and then I saw the price and went :eek: but was too late :p Oh well, I do still have my starter and a 2nd coming... getting antsy. Congrats to those who scored! :thumbsup:

And Hard Knocks Hard Knocks I may take you up on that offer to try out the Soldier. I couldn't get the system to work for me when they went live (choil-option problems) and never made it back to try again. Probably better for me ;)
Damnit, the land down under was in a stage of sun down, deep sleep and I missed out. We need more knives Guy, moooore!
I missed it too. I was thinking, "I really can't afford that right now anyway," and then I saw the price and went :eek: but was too late :p Oh well, I do still have my starter and a 2nd coming... getting antsy. Congrats to those who scored! :thumbsup:

And Hard Knocks Hard Knocks I may take you up on that offer to try out the Soldier. I couldn't get the system to work for me when they went live (choil-option problems) and never made it back to try again. Probably better for me ;)
The price, oh the price, I can not resist the Ugly Betty price.... ;)
Good deal!! I'm guessing it's in 20CV and G10?
20cv yes :)
Unfortunately they only offered micarta for factory seconds. I couldnt resist any longer and figured id get g10 scales in the future when they stock them.
Plus I have a 6 on order with G10 and D3V that will balance the 20cc micarta :p
Now only the GSO 3.5 3V preorders are available.
(Apparently the 4.1 fasteners are out of stock.)