
Mar 23, 2000
Dear SOG Forum members,

Just a post to let all of you know something that has been in the works now for quite some time. I’ve transitioned out of my position at SOG and accordingly, will no longer have the honor of serving as your forum moderator. You guys are the best and I’ll miss you all immensely! I’m sure I’ll poke my head here into the forums from time-to-time, but the leadership of this forum will now be done by others. Spencer will need to determine the future.

I certainly wish the best for SOG and my great friends there. And I wish the best for all of you!

Take care! :)
Ron...You DO know that this isn't April 1st, don't you? :eek:.
You are really stepping-down as our moderator???...DANG!.:(.

I wish you the very best with your transition to whatever is next for you.


This might be the right thread to post your new handle. I hope you can continue to share with us, and best of luck with the new job.

Gee! Ron: Best of luck! I only hope the next moderator can fit your very large shoes.
It's okay to get misty, Ron; I assume this by the way you have spelt Andersen as Anderson.

Krizzard, out.

"...Whoever kills with the sword must be killed by the sword... "
- The New Testament, Revelation 13:10
Krizzard...my friend,
Originally posted by Krizzard
I assume this by the way you have spelt Andersen as Anderson.
A very discrete and humble dispatch has been sent to Spark. A very common mistake I have learned to live with for many years.
I wish you all the best as you explore all ;) the options now before you!
Pursue your dreams and desires:cool: and let no one stand in your way :mad: .
I will certainly keep in touch, and look forward to reading your insights...
You'll never be far, Mr. Andersen, we won't let you.:D We'll always be there to hold you back....:rolleyes: or is that have your back...;)
Hey Ron,

You embodied that legendary persona I projected upon my SOGs when I was 14. SOG is indebted to you for the way you have represented them here. Lets face it...SOG is cool, you were cool, it made the whole thing really cool.

I have much to thank you for.

In your service as customer support for SOG you have shown much more than that title endows you with. You not only have supported us as customers, you have supported us as freinds.

That last post I made, the way you felt it should be exposed to others in the community, and thier responses to it touched me very much. It is one of the things that has given me hope in some very, very troubled times.

I mean it very seriously when I say: I owe you one. If any time you need someone of my artistic/technical skills, they are at your disposal. (thats a good 45 bucks an hour to anyone else ;) )

It is a year of change! And I wish you the best of times with your own. No doubt, a man of your character and integrity will flourish in whatever fate may find for him.

I hope our paths cross in person some day.... I would like to shake your hand.

We're gonna miss ya here as a SOG mod, but are hoping that you'll resurface real soon as the CS rep for another company that's at least as good as SOG is...


Good luck Ron.

Dang, now who's going to influence me to buy more SOGs?:p
Take care of them headaches buddy and I hope the future is prosperous.

be well..........Ira
I have not posted in this forum before, but I always felt like Ron@SOG gave good, honest info. I don't know why you are leaving, but best of luck in your new endeavors. I just recently bought a SOG Night Vision I saw in a knife store, remembering all the good things you had said about that model. It is as good as you said! Thanks for the advice!

Alan Forbes
Okay everybody. I declare that "in honor of Ron", we each must procure a new SOG product and post accordingly.

Either declare your new addition in a separate post or we'll start an "In honor of Ron" aggregate post/thread.
Thank you, my friends. Does someone have a Kleenex? :(

I don't often browse the Forums with my wife (mostly because she doesn't share to the same degree, my passions), but she has read this thread with me, also being touched by your outpouring of best wishes. You’ve all said some very nice, kind, and downright embarrassing sentiments (of the best kind).

Mr. Bobby B...My dear friend: Formerly my trusted Co-Moderator of the SOG Forum, and now pro tempore Moderator of the SOG Forum until the dust settles, you've been to me a trusted cohort in moderatordum and a very, highly trusted fiend (oops, I’d better insert “friend” before I get into trouble. Anyway, it does apply “slightly” better). I know that SOG can trust you, too, but with new SOG Forum management, things may change (and you know that). You’re as good as gold and I will miss our interactions at SOG, from home, on the road, and here in the SOG Forum. Some of those interactions will not even skip a beat. You are simply stated “the best,” and I appreciate you enormously! We’ll be friends for life! Remember that important piece of information you just can't live without: When you get home from work everyday, feed a t-bone steak to Gunnar (the family's German Shepard), pat Colleen (your new daughter) incessantly on the head and say in a good human-to-dog voice “good girl, gooooood girl, good girrrrrl,” and feed your wife (that would be the Mrs. Bobby B) a jar of peach flavored Gerber baby food. ;)

As you can now all see, Spark has hired me on here at BF (dang, no money involved) for extra-curricular work (so, now with a job, I don’t have to “hit the pavement”!...It’ll be a hard sell with the wife for obvious reason). He stammered something about me being a Super Moderator. I’m not sure he knows what one is, and I’m dang sure that those of us who are empowered, are scratching our heads in curiosity, too. ;)

Once again...thanks everyone! I can't say this enough. You guys are the greatest!

Yeah, I agree with Kevin...you do have the 'right' temperment to be a 'super mod' here...but if you ever send me another one of those 'some people just don't understand your twisted sense of humor' emails, I'll come hunt cha down bro...lol

Now, with Buck moving up to 'Potato Falls', do ya think you may be able to get another paying job? ;)

