Favorite knife to eat an apple with

This one.....


ha ha, only kidding. It's utterly useless to most practical applications actually....

/ J

Maybe I just have crappy teeth but biting into apples always felt kinda lousy. Or I'm just looking for an excuse to use a knife:p. But I took to eating apples the way below and maybe slicing them up on a cutting board at home. I've been eating more apples since i started doing it...

You hold the apple in your non-dominant hand and then make a slice with the knife using your dominant hand. After you make the slice, pinch it between your thumb and knife blade. Bring the blade to your mouth and deposit the apple slice.


I don't need a knife to eat an apple!

Are you asking for peeling one, or slicing into wedges?
why do you need a knife, do you have blunt horseshoe shaped teeth?

the only fruit like thing i cut up before eating it would be cucumber and paprika

I cut a spiral around the thing, getting the peel off in one piece, amazing friends and family alike. Teeth are pretty straight without braces:cool:
Cause not everyone in the earth is the same as you? Personally I don't like eating bruises on apples and I personally find eating slices to be more civilised. Unlike yourself, I don't attempt to force my opinion on anyone else. Everyone to their own.

Now a bruise on my apple-out comes the knife!
welp i dont eat too many apples anymore cuz they hurt my tooth. use to eat them all the time back in the day but i aint been to a tooth dentist in years so its a little hard now. mostly apple sauce is all the fruit i eat now but i think a spoon works best for that never had tried a knife but maybe its worth a shot. sometimes i use a knife to open the container if that counts. have a good one
Usually an Opinel; I have a 6 and an 8 slimmed down for pocket carry, so whichever is on hand will get the call. Tonight at my desk I used a CS Kudu. Nice thin blade, nice cheap knife.
I use my Case 6270 Elephant Toe for cutting my apples. Good crisp "really ripe" apples are hard to find. The really good ones, bugs have bitten, have bruises, birthmarks, and are mis-shapen. I buy ugly apples. They're the best
Interesting thread. I always carry one knife or other, but always eat my apples out of hand, cores too. Now getting an orange peeled, another thing entirely - out comes the blade without fail. No particular favorite either.

Well OK, thread is a bit cold but I started using the knife on apples and waddya know, I like it. Besides the fruit part, it's a great conversation starter at the lunch table!