Favorite Quotes from non-knife people.

Them: (Some version of) "Why do you have a weapon? Are you going to stab/kill/murder someone?"

Me: (Looking worriedly at the speaker) "You know, you really need to see a psychologist for this fixation on violence/murder/hurting people you have."
I wouldn't want to risk it coming open in my sleep and cutting me. That would be a hospital trip.

Yes, but then,
Doctor: "So, how did you cut yourself? :("
You: Well, my knife came open in my sleep and slashed me. :eek:"
Doctor: ":eek:"
You: ":cool:"
Yes, but then,
Doctor: "So, how did you cut yourself? :("
You: Well, my knife came open in my sleep and slashed me. :eek:"
Doctor: ":eek:"
You: ":cool:"

I slept with mine on one night that I slept in my truck in the city. Granted,I was fully clothed.