Feeling a bit Sluggish today.....

Garth Reckner

Dec 13, 2004
Realized I was running low on energy. Needed some GO GO juice so ran to the store to restock for the week. Hopefully this will provide the needed energy to make it through a few days. If you ever wondered what actually makes the grinders keep moving, the answer is a steady stream of Diet Mt Dew.
Of course there is always the Cabo Wabo but sometimes it takes some added caffeine to make it all come together for me.

Have a great day everyone,
WOW! Trunk full of kidney stones. Really worst thing in the world for them. Maybe with all the infi dust inhaled and all the dew drank a harvest of kidney stones will yield a supply of material to forge a infi blade.
WOW! Trunk full of kidney stones. Really worst thing in the world for them. Maybe with all the infi dust inhaled and all the dew drank a harvest of kidney stones will yield a supply of material to forge a infi blade.

Why? My urologist tells me the latest research shows caffeine is not a problem for stones.
Don't think it is caffeine. It is just Mt Dew as far as I know. Worked for Pepsi for years. Heard many coworkers there with bad stones had their Doc tell them to stop the Mt Dew. I stopped drinking it after reading up on the brominated vegetable oil that is in it.
99% of what I drink now is Tea and Coffee.
A quick scan on BVO doesn't implicate it in stone formation. So I wonder what in Dew is the problem. Curious.
Diet Mountain Dew is basically a health food with the second ingredient being "Orange Juice"!!!

Pour a little vodka in there and welcome to the world of "Dew Drivers"!!!!!!

The alcohol will kill all of the germs in your body and you'll never be sick again!!!

No, I'm not a doctor, but I am a professional drinker and when I drink, I know things!

Let's Drink!


Vodka would be OK. But Garth mixes it (or used to) with tequila for a 'Hillbilly Highball'. :eek::(
Have no idea. All I know is I heard that most of the time I worked at Pepsi and from quite a few people sense.
I will also say that I got used to drinking Dt Dew just after I got married about 25 years ago. Only diet drink I could ever stand to swallow. Then I got a hold of a 20oz one day that must have had the mix off. Horrible taste and left a greasy film in my mouth. Only drank it because I was fishing and had nothing else. Could not stand to drink dt dew after that. Diet drinks have just gotten worse for me over the years,if I drink anything diet now it dries my mouth and throat out as soon as I drink it and gives me the squirts. Wife only drinks Mello Yello zero and has no problem.
See I knew this stuff would work. Still up and going strong, havent even thought about sleeping yet and its like 2am here.

My kidney doctor told me to stop drinking
dark colored cola drinks, so I went to the clear stuff, like diet Sprite.