Female hiker lost or abducted?

I have seen several people conclude that this hiker couldn't be lost or stranded because some of her gear has been found. Not true. Lost, injured, and/or panicked people discard gear all the time. Once their thinking gets cloudy anything is possible. Water, too heavy. Leash; let the dog go for help. Etc. How many people have seen hypothermic patients strip their clothes off in sub-freezing temps because they feel "hot"? I have.

I agree it doesn't sound good, but please let's not jump to conclusions.

If the facts are correct only some of her things were found I believe. On a trail she was familiar with. She was not lost. A trained Labrador will not leave its owner for the most part. No matter how you cut it it doesnt look good.

Maybe I'm reading the stuff wrong, but it sounds to me like some of her stuff was found near her car?

To me that would point to somebody nabbing her after she finished her hike rather than during.

Sounds like they have a good line on who might know about her. Cheers to the other hikers who were observant:thumbup:
I live fairly close to Blood Mt and my Boy Scout troop hikes in the area a lot. It is a fairly well traveled area. Likewise I fear that this is going to not have a good outcome. Once my wife and friend were in the parking lot and a guy asked them to come over and look at a map in his car. They told him to figure it out himself and went on.

My wife has a Buck 120 she carries on her belt. But would not be a match for someone determined to do something bad.

I wish her family and her all the best for a good outcome.
Makes you wonder about foreshadowing from the lengthy 'two-legged snake' thread from the holidays!

Yes it does. This is exactly the kind of thing I was thinking about when I started that thread. The whole thing that got me thinking about this type of thing was that I had been riding my bike in the WMA as I often do for exercise. Since I like to push the pace I was wearing an ipod. Just as I was exiting the WMA I stopped to look at a picture that had been posted of a truck sought by LE for criminal mischief in the WMA. Had I not stopped I would never have known that the LEO who warned me to be careful there was right behind me in his truck. It sucks but I guess the ipod will only be in one ear or much lower on the volume.
Maybe I'm reading the stuff wrong, but it sounds to me like some of her stuff was found near her car?

To me that would point to somebody nabbing her after she finished her hike rather than during.

Everything I read was they found all items on the trail, nothing by her car.

I have seen several people conclude that this hiker couldn't be lost or stranded because some of her gear has been found. Not true. Lost, injured, and/or panicked people discard gear all the time. Once their thinking gets cloudy anything is possible. Water, too heavy. Leash; let the dog go for help. Etc. How many people have seen hypothermic patients strip their clothes off in sub-freezing temps because they feel "hot"? I have.

I agree it doesn't sound good, but please let's not jump to conclusions.

Of course - but that would mean a seriously panicked, lost person. An "experienced" hiker wouldn't panic on a commonly used hiking trail. I would bet money that she hasn't just gotten lost.
Even *if* she was abducted, and *if* she made poor choices, the lack of compassion and sympathy from some is appalling. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. There, but by the grace of God, go I.

I've made poor choices and mistakes in my life, but I would sure hate to have a bunch of strangers sitting around an Internet forum musing about how I "got what I deserved" if one of those mistakes ended up getting my kidnapped, killed, or worse.
Well travelled area, and it's not that big for a dedicated search team. I hiked up Blood Mt. many times as a kid with my cousins that live nearby. I am of the opinion she was abducted.
The martial arts stuff is in pretty poor taste here...

THere is part of me that thinks the hiker might be of the runaway bride variety...well to state it better, I HOPE she is.
Even *if* she was abducted, and *if* she made poor choices, the lack of compassion and sympathy from some is appalling. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. There, but by the grace of God, go I.

I've made poor choices and mistakes in my life, but I would sure hate to have a bunch of strangers sitting around an Internet forum musing about how I "got what I deserved" if one of those mistakes ended up getting my kidnapped, killed, or worse.

I don't think anyone here said she got what she deserved , I think I'm the only one who said my sympathy goes only so far.
She is an adult.
My sympathies are reserved for the elderly and the very young that may not be able to defend themselves.

Hopefully , she will turn up just lost.

However , any adult that naively goes trampling off into the forest ( or anywhere else for that matter ) as if nothing bad may happen to them , I have a hard time feeling too bad for.

Anyways , let's all just keep hoping this turns out for the best.
I don't think anyone here said she got what she deserved , I think I'm the only one who said my sympathy goes only so far.
She is an adult.
My sympathies are reserved for the elderly and the very young that may not be able to defend themselves.

Hopefully , she will turn up just lost.

However , any adult that naively goes trampling off into the forest ( or anywhere else for that matter ) as if nothing bad may happen to them , I have a hard time feeling too bad for.

Anyways , let's all just keep hoping this turns out for the best.

How do you know that she went off naively into the woods as if nothing bad would happen to her? You could only prepare your mind to a certain extent. I was on the same mountain as she two years ago and nearly broke my ankle from misjudged footing. Shit happens. Doesn't mean I went naively trampling off into the woods as if nothing would happen to me. I hike all the time, prepared for the worst, but things catch you by surprise. Especially people.
One thing I didn't mention on the two-legged snake thread is the difference in character of an assault in civilization and an assault in the wilderness. In civilization you stand a much better chance of police coverage, witnesses, help from by-standers etc. Out in the bush you are truly on your own and an assault could turn into an ordeal of long duration. There will be no witnesses, nobody is goingto call the police for you. If they do response times could be very long. All of this can embolden a criminal to do far worse than he would attempt in a town.

You head off into the woods and you are responsible for your security becuase you and yours are it as far as defense.

I meet great people in the wilderness. I have met people who have made my skin crawl too. Self defense is a survival skill, I see handling a firearm competently as part of that even if you are well advanced in a martial art.

Martial arts training is good stuff. I'm all for it, it is very positive, healthy, and could save your life. Learning to carry and use a handgun from concealment is great stuff, very efficient and could also save you. IMO the greatest thing that has saved me on numerous occasions here in Brazil is simple situational awareness and a healthy distrust of people. Sometimes you are the prey species and have to act like it. Mac
On the 11:00 news the police had found the girls dog & also the man they were looking for. I guess they will question him throughout the night !
I might be wrong (hope so), but have you ever, I mean EVER heard of a Labrador or Golden Retriever defending anyone? (Retriever owners please tell me I'm wrong)
I didn't think about it until now, but over the years I've read some newspaper articles about dog attacks and whenever the victim had a Retriever or Setter with him, it did nothing at all to protect it's owner.
About 75 or 80 miles the police said ! three countys away. I dont think, that its that far (75 or 80 miles) more like 40 to 50!