First adventure in the woods with my gals

The blade will turn on their mission instinct the moment they wear it on their hip. They must have seen you with your blade before. My gals always see me with my blades. It’s an instant turn on for them to be able to carry a knife like daddy.
This is a great motivator for young 'uns, when they can't wait to be big/old/responsible/capable enough to have the privilege to do something.

Didn't realize it at the time, but that was one of the ways my mom instilled the love for reading in me and my brother. She'd read to us before bedtime, and told us offhand, "One day, when you can read well enough, maybe you can read the stories out loud".

My brother (2 years older) couldn't wait to read well enough. Then of course, I was envious and wanted to be able to read well enough, to be able to do it out loud. One of the little things that had me reading books several grades ahead.

By the time teachers in school had us read passages out loud, I'd already been doing it for a few years at home.