Flu outbreak....

(About the same as gun deaths... and some get all concerned about guns.)

I think the figure is close to twice that of gun related fatalities. In 2007 there was something on the order of 300 flu deaths in Maine, and about 20 homicides total.
Oh, Loki's nuts, THIS? The numbers are really simple.

CDC leading causes of death in the US:

* Heart disease: 652,091
* Cancer: 559,312
* Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 143,579
* Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 130,933
* Accidents (unintentional injuries): 117,809
* Diabetes: 75,119
* Alzheimer's disease: 71,599
* Influenza/Pneumonia: 63,001
* Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 43,901
* Septicemia: 34,136


In the U.S. for 2001, there were 29,573 deaths from firearms, distributed as follows by mode of death: Suicide 16,869; Homicide 11,348; Accident 802; Legal Intervention 323; Undetermined 231.(CDC, 2004)

even COUNTING suicides, firearms aren't in the top 10.
ok...as of 11 a.m. ET on 2May, there are 160 confirmed cases of this crap out of a total population of over 305 million people. So...with these numbers in mind, what is the big flipping deal about this?

Also, I find cases and deaths in Mexico largely less than frightening mostly because of their near lack of a decent health care standard. If there were hundreds of deaths in a more developed nation, I would probably be slightly more concerned. That does not appear to be the case as of yet.

And..let's not forget (though I wasn't there) that we had this same thing happen before. First, it was the '76 pig flu, then SARS, then Avian flu, now this*. So far, civilization has managed to survive these "drastic pandemics." :rolleyes:

Don't get me wrong, it is tragic that people are dying from this stuff,but all the fuss 'tis much ado about nothing

*I know there were outbreaks and pandemics before these...not planning on doing any more research on it...

Of course, it is still too early to know for certain, but from where I'm standing, this looks like a textbook case of media-driven panic and paranoia.

Ingredients: (1) a new strain of illness, (2) real-time global public health surveillance initiatives, (3) a diverse array of media outlets that provide 24-7 coverage, informed by the guiding principle that 'fear sells', (4) a feedback loop between the aforementioned public health and media entities, resulting in a high signal-to-noise ratio, (5) prevailing public attitudes that confuse and conflate awareness and paranoia, precaution and panic, and (5) lots of groups with vested interests in promoting unease about something other than (or in addition to) the economy.

Or, I could be wrong, and the end could actually be nigh. Hard to say ;)

All the best,

- Mike
I does appear to be misfire in terms of a pandemic issue in the USA. We still need to pay attention and see if there are more fatalities or it picks up steam. But there have been more school closings.

You're right about firearm related fatalities not being in the top 10. It is far less than auto accident fatalities also.
Swine Flu isn't much. All that happens is you get a rasher and have to put on some oinkment!
