Free TGLB sheath *** winner at post 101 *** picked 67

eloy_alv is the winner, congratulations.

E-mail me what you want
It the blades it can ship to me and ...errrr....I will pass it on......eventually... :)
Congrats winner!

Dave hooked me up with a free BB sheath on my sarge 7 that I won as part of a contest and its works great. The dude is no cheap arss that for sure.

ps, Mr Brown, I told you you didnt have to give me a free teklok too! Sneaky hog!

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Congrats, you've got a good sheath coming. Dave does some nice kydex work.

Thanks for the chance, Dave.
Cool! :D:eek: :cool:
David, thank you for your generosity! And thanks for extending the contest for the 'remote' participants for another week!
Hi David! I just sent you an email, since I didn't win I'd like to order a sheath. They look great! Thanks. -Steve
Sorry it took me so long, and sorry for the crappy pics, but here it is:
With my other TGLB::p


And with the other goodies from Dave: :eek:


Thanks David for your generosity once more! :D
Andy, afraid you'll need to skin one yourself, prep the leather and then someone can take over to finish the sheath...
If you wander where you'd find zombies for skinning, I'd say Canberra... There is a whole bunch of them there, I mean zombies are brain dead... :D
Just as soon as I get home we are going to have to talk turkey....I can catch and "kill" my own ....I will just mail it over whole and you can skin it....!!!