Friday, Friday,Friday............repeat.

Mark Williams

Nov 28, 2000
Well here it is once again. Another end to another week.

I've got to get all my crap together and get a couple of knives completed for the Trackrock hammer-in. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. And it will be nice to meet some of the folks I've been talking with on theses forums for a long time.

What ya'll doin?
wishin' I was going to the Trackrock Hammer-in. :grumpy: You guys have fun, and take lots of pictures.

I'll be doing some sanding and working on a big ol' blade. Maybe treat myself to a few brews. :)
Swearin at my broken tap, and trying out everybody's suggestions. Hopefully that won't take up too big a portion of the weekend :grumpy: I got some great ideas here though so I think it will come out.

Saturday mornin I'm going to go cut some trees down in a friends back yard (yes he knows :D ) Going to be fun cause its in town and they're hanging over the fence into his neighbors back yard. We took 2 out 2 weeks ago and his nosy neighbors were watching the whole time. One woman actually drove around the block 6 times almost stopping everytime she passed.

Don't know about the rest, probably just shovelin horseshit and workin on knives.
Have fun at the hammer in :)
We are haveing a weiner roast.


Here boy, here boy...
Doing something I haven't done in 20 years, vacation ( more than 2 days). Doing the cruse thing. I'll be back for next friday's post.

Larry, Don't forget the pants with the expandable waist band.

Hope to get some inside work done on the shop addition if I can find some motivation. The closer I get to finishing it it seems like the more I am strugling. Did move one of my forges and an anvil in yesterday but lost interest very fast. Alot has to do with the changing of the seasons and seem to go threw this every year.....

Enjoy the hammerin!
Have fun Larry. havent ever been on a cruise myself other than on big grey ships. And that damn sure wasnt a vacation. :)
Raymond Richard said:
Larry, Don't forget the pants with the expandable waist band.

Pants..........Who said I got to wear pants!!!!!!!!!!!
Just kidding. Even I don't want to go there.
You all enjoy.

Entering a chili cookoff tomorrow.....they wanted a name for my entry....I called it "Six Quarts of Fuego"....:D
Mark Williams said:
Have fun Larry. havent ever been on a cruise myself other than on big grey ships. And that damn sure wasnt a vacation. :)

yeahp 3 year cruise for me I can't say it was all bad though.
the girls in other ports made it kind of good to be away :D

I'm with you Don Hunting at day-brake :)
Went deer hunting this morning. Shot a doe (doe only portion of early muzzlerloader season). My buddy and I did a deer drive and I had three doe almost run me over! They stopped 15 yds. in front of me and I shot the lead doe, about 100 pounds. I used the pocket palm hunter I have posted on the gallery forum. Worked great. Very handy. Good luck Don and Dan with your hunt. Stay safe. Have fun Larry on your cruise. I'm finishing up a 5160 hunting knife for field testing. The rut is on so I'll be after the alpha buck in my area :D Have a good weekend guys.
THis one is just about the right size now :D


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I have his twin walking past my trail cam every evening! ;) There's also a pi bald deer that I haven't decided if I will shoot or not. I've passed on it the last two years but it's getting tempting.
another :D
would anyone like to see one eating an apple out of a pocket :D
or one out of a mouth ..


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Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. A friend told me of a deer that a bow hunter had hit on wednesday, the deer took off with the arrow sticking through !! This morning he saw the deer, with the arrow gone, feeding normally. The arrow had apparently gone below the spine but above the lungs !! No problem .