Friday, Friday,Friday............repeat.

Well when you can get this close :D check it out :D

Let's see...hmmmmm, forgot my Friday post so here it is better later than never :D

Finish work on supposedly my day off (Friday), shower, shave and get ready to take my Teenagers to their school Halloween Dance, then it is "date night" with the wife, gotta survive another "chick flick", pickup kids from dance, stop at store for BEER, go home and work on broken web hosting system I own, drink too much beer and stay up too late, get called at 5:30am from work about computer problem, pass out and wake up much later to fix problem, problem for the WEEKEND :D

Wake up lovely wife to go shopping for doors for new addition to house.
hopefully purchase doors.
Pickup doors and install in rough opening.
Finish roofing addition...
Saturday night catch up on Forum reading :)
Get up early and go to Church.
after Church, more work on addition while daydreaming about knife making...

Just another mundane weekend for me...LOL :rolleyes:
Come on now Dan, confess. In the next frame your not posting that poor thing is in a headlock :D

Change of plans for me today. Paintball time. Just got invited to play on a friends hunting land. This could be trouble, my team is me and 3 other guys that have never been there. We're playing the guys that have hunted there all their lives. I'm like Lou Wetzel with a paintball gun though, you don't hear the deathwind blowing until its too late :p I'm gonna suggest that my team be shirts an their team be skins, just for identification purposes of course :D
Matt Shade said:
Come on now Dan, confess. In the next frame your not posting that poor thing is in a headlock :D
almost :D


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