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FT: Muddy Mojo #13


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2006
I've got a Muddy Mojo Variant #13 that I'd consider trading for BM's. Let me know what you've got! If you've got FBM's I'm good for a LE ;) or a FBM CG with mags work something out. Tan/Tan, Grey/Tan, or Black/Black preferred.

This was the Muddy Mojo that Jerry took a pic of and posted when he announced them. It's too nice a knife to use and I really don't have much I could use it for. I could use BIG blades more. I also got a recent taste for smaller INFI. I really like the Meaner Street LE, and the Off Duty (no one needs to tell me how rare they are...I've got one).