G10 Chopsticks

May 26, 2010
Some times at Asian restaurants they have lousy chopsticks. Too short, splintery, or ones that always break funny. I tried buying some reusable metal ones, but they don't grip well. I kinda gave up on the idea till I realized the properties that make G10 a nice handle material were just what I was looking for with reusable chopsticks.

Ok, after a quick google browse, does anyone know where I can get a reasonably priced set? $142 wasn't really what I was looking for.
I believe Alan Folts makes chopsticks. I think he does them in ti, but Im sure he could make some from g10.
Yeah - What Tedwca said. I have two pairs from Phillip Dobson and they see sushi duty every week :thumbup:
BTW, it is actually culturally quite common and appropriate to bring your own chop sticks for asian cuisine. The disposable wooden ones are really offered as a courtesy to those who forget to bring their own.
I got two pair of Phillip Dobson's G11 chopsticks and I am very pleased with them.
I keep one set at home and the other in my gear bag for dining out.
I wonder about G10 picking up flavors ?? Anyway I'd rather have a titanium or stainless steel tipped set with nice wood like rosewood.
The G11 is inert. No problem. It's the ghost green jade color and doesn't show foodstains. I would think G-10 is the same. I have a pair of Ti chopsticks also, which I used a lot, but I really like the G11.
Hm, I was looking at those and I wonder how grippy they are. Sushi is a bit sticky and works fine for wood, metal, or porcelain. But for ramen, my main concern is that metal and porcelain ones don't grip the noodles like wooden ones do. The G10 handles on the Leek and Tenacious feel like they would do well as chopstick material.

Defaultuser, Banyamin, are Dobson's G11 chopsticks slick like porcelain or do they have a bit of grip on them?
Hm, I was looking at those and I wonder how grippy they are. Sushi is a bit sticky and works fine for wood, metal, or porcelain. But for ramen, my main concern is that metal and porcelain ones don't grip the noodles like wooden ones do. The G10 handles on the Leek and Tenacious feel like they would do well as chopstick material.

Defaultuser, Banyamin, are Dobson's G11 chopsticks slick like porcelain or do they have a bit of grip on them?

The g10 I've handled takes on part of the grit pattern of whatever sand paper you use on it. The knife I'm carrying now has large flat area's that were too slick for me, after taking 180 grit sand paper to them, they feel a bit like 1,000 grit sandpaper. Chances are if they are too slick for you you could make them grippier by hitting them with 180 grit or lower.
In Taiwan many people use their own chopsticks, the standard bamboo ones are often bleached with chemicals you don't really want to be eating.

Metal chopsticks are crap and I hate them to be honest :p I use a set of "MontBell" nobashi collapsable chopstics that have been superb. I also have a set of "tactical" carbon fiber chopsticks but don't use them as much.

..pardon the ignorance, but isn't the fork more efficient?

Actually, I can eat just as well with chopsticks, even my EDCS (everyday chop sticks) which are polished silver. I have no "grip" problems with them at all.
I find eating salad with chopsticks is easier than using a fork. A fork has to stab through sometimes small slippery or frangible pieces of food. The chopsticks just grip, and I can stack a number of pieces to lift them together.
I'm so used to using chopsticks now I actually feel a little clumsy when using a knife and fork :p. You can use a chopstick
like a fork any way by just stabbing what ever you want to pick up, I see little kids here doing it all the time.
..pardon the ignorance, but isn't the fork more efficient?

One reason why I hate Seinfeld.

The Fork isn't more efficient, provided that the use has skill in both activities.

With a pair of Sticks, you can pick up anything you'd like. I have practiced to grab a hold of a Marble with little practice

I also don't plan on stabbing all my foods, I'd like to keep my food intact once in a while
Defaultuser, Banyamin, are Dobson's G11 chopsticks slick like porcelain or do they have a bit of grip on them?

They definitely have a bit of a grip. Besides, Phillip Dobson is a heck of a nice guy; I really liked buying from him. It makes using my chopsticks even more pleasant.

Free pic :D

..pardon the ignorance, but isn't the fork more efficient?

Maybe, but by that logic isn't just using your hands even more efficient? I took a nutrition class in college, and one of the experiments that the professor had tasked us with was to eat everything with chopsticks for a week. Obviously if the food was very large, we would prepare it with a knife first, or use a soup spoon if necessary for liquids, but about 90% of what I ate was with chopsticks for that week. I found myself eating a lot less at every meal than I normally would with a fork, and still felt as satisfied. The idea being that since it takes longer to eat you have less of a chance overstuffing yourself before you have time to feel full.

Then I joined the military and I had to eat every meal in about 5 minutes or less for the 6 months straight, that and MRE's are chopstick friendly either.
I don't get to have sushi as often as I'd like, but I love my chopsticks.

Mom got these for me for christmas.

Solid Ti, and perfectly balanced. For everything from Cheetos to fine dining, I love 'em:thumbup: