Gary Graley walks on water

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Apr 2, 2001
Gary made a leather sheath for my
Farid folder.I had heard lots of good
things about Gary's work,but I was
still amazed by how beautiful the
sheath turned out.
Gary sent frequent e-mails on the
status of the sheath and knife,also
sent a scan of the sheath when he
The total turnaround time was only
about eight days!
You cant go wrong with Gary.
I don't know about walking on water Zulu, but he walks tall, and straight in my book.:D
Well I have been known to walk on water, but it was last Christmas when the pond froze over....;) otherwise I think I'd sink like most of us would.

Thanks for the compliment and I'll vouch for that Farid, man what a tank of a knife that is! very solid and the chiseledge though steep still cut well, it's one tough hombre!

Thanks Bob for always hanging in there for me, it is appreciated!

Gary is not just popular because of his leather skill. His integrity, honor, and willingness to go the extra mile are what makes him so popular. His sheaths are good enough that he would sell quite a few even if he were a jerk. Since he is a great guy, and does great sheath work, it makes it really easy to want to order another sheath from him and to recommend his work to others.

I would like to second what everyone else has said about Gary. He just made a sheath for me and it is in the mail right now. I got several emails concerning the progress and then he sent pics of it when he finished. The pic looked great and I can't wait to get it, I'm sure it will look even better in person. The turnaround was Fast too!
Thanks Gary, you are definitely a "Class Act"!
To add to what's already been said, Gary sets the bar the rest of us shoot for. He just finished a special sheath for me that's going to be a constant reminder of a very special occasion and from the time I started planning the project, I KNEW that a G2 sheath was a part of the total package.

I saw the picture this morning of my new sheath and actually got a little teary-eyed. (No comments from the peanut gallery...) ;)

Gary, thanks for everything. You'll be hearing more from me real soon. :)
Gary is *always* a pleasure to deal with...come on down Gary; dinners on me (maybe I'll even cook!)
