gaw GAW ~ BE PREPARED ~ GAW gaw [ Delivered to Winner, SF FANATIC pg.4 ]


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2015
1985 Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Diamond Jubilee (1910-1985) Commemorative
AVAILABILITY: Since it is in fact a Boy Scouts of America Commemorative, limited to U.S.A. BF members only

1) Was a member of the BSA (I hope)
2) Paid BF member (For messaging purposes)
3) Active Traditional Forums member (Hope I recognize)

~ Anything you like ~
BONUS ~ Picture of yourself involved in a Boy Scout activity or uniform
OVER THE TOP ~ The activity includes a blade

Monday afternoon 1/17. Weekenders have a chance to see as well as those starting off the work week

There were 20,000 of these knives made. This one is serial 18336 ... you ALMOST missed it HA !!!
There is blade rub on the pile side primary and I've tried to show that in a picture
Blade could probably be tweaked a bit if inclined, but I haven't messed with it

I was only in scouts for a couple of years before girls girls girls demanded my undivided attention :D LOL
Only thing I have of my Boy Scout days are a couple of uniform patches my mom saved










Not an entry from me, I've been too blessed by the members of this forum.
But I will speak to the knife and Scouting. The knife looks amazing and well-built. Somebody will be lucky to win that one.
I was a Scout for several years. I finally dropped out during my Junior year, as like you, girls became a higher priority. But I had a great experience in Scouts; Learning outdoor skills that I still use today, learning new games, setting goals and achieving them, and what is expected of you as you grow up. I made sure both my boys got involved in Scouting at a young age, and they stuck with it... all the way from Tiger Cubs to Eagle Scouts. They also have very fond memories from Scouting and learned a lot of good skills that they use every day of their lives. I know there is some bad seeds out there that gave Scouting a bad name, but those bad seeds can't undo all the good tht BSA has done for boys for generations. Sorry for the long-winded response and good luck to all who eneter.
1) Was a member of the BSA (I hope)
2) Paid BF member (For messaging purposes)
3) Active Traditional Forums member (Hope I recognize)
Wonderful GA, Jim!! Compliments to your generosity!
If my number is chosen, please award that great knife to Gevonovich Gevonovich whose thoughtful comments, I always enjoy!!
I have too many Scouts, and they are getting old!! 🤣
I was only in scouts for a couple of years before girls girls girls demanded my undivided attention :D LOL

Thanks for the chuckle. Reminded me of this fella.

My name is Malcolm and I am an accumulator.

I can write this post because I finally have my affliction under control after nearly 45 years since my first acquisition of a Cub Scout multi-blade at age 10. I must confess, sorry Dad, but I only joined the Scouts to get the knife.
I was in New Mexico as a Scout, great memories.
Not an entry, but I would like to give my ticket in for John JohnDF JohnDF , don't care what he says about not wanting it, he epitomizes the spirit of the Scouts, and his generosity has touched a large number of forum members.

1) Was a member of the BSA (I hope)
2) Paid BF member (For messaging purposes)
3) Active Traditional Forums member (Hope I recognize)
I think I qualify. I was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout in the turbulent 1960's and 1970's. I'm not going to enter for myself, however.
If mine is the winning post, please send this fantastic scout knife to B BrotherJim .
No way I want him to suffer gifter's remorse giving up what is unquestionably the pinnacle of his wonderful Scout knife collection.
I think I qualify. I was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout in the turbulent 1960's and 1970's. I'm not going to enter for myself, however.
If mine is the winning post, please send this fantastic scout knife to B BrotherJim .
No way I want him to suffer gifter's remorse giving up what is unquestionably the pinnacle of his wonderful Scout knife collection.
You're entered !!! Good Luck !!!
No worries at all. I have another one and just decided to pass this one along :)
What a fantastic Scout Knife Brother Jim! I’d like to enter this one. I was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout during the 1960’s and an Explorer in the very early 1970’s. My Dad was an assistant Scoutmaster and my brothers were all in Scouts too. We were an all-Scout family at one time (my Mom was a Den Mother to my youngest brother, and my sister was a Brownie Scout). Loved Scouting when I was a boy and a teenager. I bought the knife below (shown on my old uniform) from an antique shop near the gate of Camp Dodge Iowa in the late 1990’s to somewhat replace my long-gone Scout Knife. I do have some pictures of me in Boy Scouts, I’ll have to scan a couple and add them to this post. Thanks! OH

Camp Bonner on the Pamlico River, eastern NC, Staff, 1969.

Edited: found the one I was looking for, this is my whole family right about 1970 at the annual February Scout banquet at the Moose Lodge. I don't know how I got to be a head higher than everyone else in our family, guess I got all the tall genes by being the oldest! The patrol leaders of my troop carved the totem pole from a tulip poplar tree my Scoutmaster pulled in from the woods with his tractor - each patrol leader carved his patrols totem, I carved the Alligator.
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A very generous GAW.

I am unintelligent or ineligible something like that 🤣

I was English scout I still have my original Neckerchief which I used to wear on my motorbike as a face mask or neck scarf (its retired now).

I have bought several other scout neckerchiefs instead to wear on my bike (and carry in my back packs as well),they are still useful and I still use them.

Many years ago a friend was going on a backpacking trip and I bought him one and explained all the uses.

He was in a bus accident somewhere in Africa and damaged his arm,he remembered I had shown him how to make a sling and did it himself.

It was one of the first things we where taught,left over right,right over left has never been forgotten by me.

I think be prepared is one of the best mottos ever and still relevant.

I came across Baden Powell's statue on a English sea front last year,I will see if I can find the photo.

A good demo here,no its not me. 😁

That’s a beautiful knife with a really cool shield, but not an entry for me, as I don’t qualify. I was never in the Boy Scouts. Instead, growing up we did Royal Ambassadors or RAs, which is sort of like Southern Baptist Boy Scouts.

The best part thinking back on it was the time I got to spend with my dad, who was always a leader while my brother and I were in RAs. It was great getting to go on camping trips and build pinewood derby cars (or rather, “RA Racers”) with him, but also really cool seeing him lead and teach others and be more than just “Dad.”

This might have been my first pocket knife. It’s certainly the knife I’ve owned the longest.


I think this photo may have just been from a family camping trip and not an RA event, but the camo hat I’m wearing was an RAs hat. (We never had full uniforms like the Boy Scouts, just vests for the patches and pins we earned.)

I made it through Cub Scouts, Webelos and made it to Life Scout and Order of the Arrow in Boy Scouts. Then I got a driver's license and that was the end of that. This is my entry. In the same spirit as other earlier posters, should this post win, I'd like to have the knife sent to afishhunter a person whose posts I always enjoy.